- At February 04, 2020
- By Karina Machado

“Incredible & inspiring stories – I love Karina’s books and these beautiful and powerful testimonies are presented with such reverence and respect. I love listening to them! Can’t get enough.”
“Inspiring – So many beautiful, incredible stories. Such an honour to hear them all.”
“Can’t help but get a little excited every time a new story pops up. Delving deep into everyday people and hearing the stories and experiences is amazing. Karina never misses to ask questions I’m thinking and it has left me wanting more.”
“Listening to the extraordinary stories told on Spirit Sisters made me realise I was not alone in the world. Having experienced many spirit encounters myself, when I listen to a new podcast I feel like I’ve made a new friend or met a long lost sister.”

The Story of a Gifted Seer ... plus, my news!
Feb 09, 2025I’m so happy you can join me around the virtual hearth today for an insight into the astonishing gifts of one of the 20th century’s greatest psychic mediums.
I'm reading from Sunrise: A Book of Knowledge and Comfort for the Bereaved by White Eagle, first published in 1958. It’s the introduction by psychic-medium Grace Cooke, who from the 1930s onward channelled the spiritual teacher known as White Eagle. Online, you can find a long list of the many books they published together. (My gratitude to the copyright holder White Eagle Lodge for their kind permission to read this excerpt).
Before I launch into today’s story, I want to share an exciting announcement with you.
I’ve launched a new offering on Substack. Inspired by Ram Dass’ quote that, “We’re all just walking each other home,” Words Along the Way is my love song to words that heal as we journey down the path together, a space to share reflections on my life as a pilgrim of the soul. For the first time, I’m opening up my journals to share private writings and poetry, in the hope that these words may meet and support you wherever you are, especially if you’re navigating the transformative crossing into midlife.
In newsletters delivered to your inbox, I’ll explore all of that, and share how I learnt to heal with my pen, my passion for celebrating Gentle Voices in a screeching world and I’ll delve into how astrology and tarot became friends to lean on when my crossing hit rough seas.
Paid subscribers will receive my gift of a bespoke poem handwritten for you about a loved one who’s crossed over (or a subject of your choice). There’ll also be online gatherings with a special guest around ‘the virtual hearth,’ to exchange sacred stories to hold our hearts in these turbulent times.
It would be my honour if you’d join me on Substack, the link is below in the show notes.
Excerpt from Sunrise, published by the White Eagle Lodge: https://whiteeaglelodge.org.au/
Join Karina on Substack: https://substack.com/@karinamachado1
Email Karina at [email protected]
Connect with Karina at karinamachado.com
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Find Karina on YouTube.
Listen to Soul2Soul Conversations – my podcast collaboration with my soul friend Sara Jayne: https://soul2soulconversations.podbean.com/
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters on Amazon or Kobo.
Find the audio versions of my three books — Spirit Sisters, Where Spirits Dwell and Love Never Dies – (all narrated by me) at Audible.
Show theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

Waiting in the Wings – A Christmas Story
Dec 23, 2024I have the great pleasure of sharing a sweet and moving festive-season story with you today, a true story penned by my friend and past guest, Danielle, who calls it “a Christmas story with a twist”.
This is a story about heavenly intervention and synchronicity... Before I read it out, I’d like to wish you and your loved ones a joyful and restful Christmas and a peaceful new year. May peace dawn on earth, may every child be safe. May love prevail.
Thank you for listening to Spirit Sisters this year, and for your support and patience as I navigate life and attend to other expressions of my creativity. Spirit Sisters remains important to me. You’re all important to me – our stories matter more than ever – and so I’ll keep going in 2025. On that note, I already have a fabulous guest lined up to interview in the new year, and so from time to time, you can look forward to interviews resuming. With so many fascinating people with captivating stories out there, it had to be.
For now, grab a hot drink, sit back, and let me tell you a story about angels, about Christmas, about love and loss and enchantment and hope. Enjoy Danielle’s story, Waiting in the Wings.
Do you have a story to share? Email Karina at [email protected]
Connect with Karina at karinamachado.com
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Find Karina on YouTube.
Listen to Soul2Soul Conversations – my podcast collaboration with my soul friend Sara Jayne: https://soul2soulconversations.podbean.com/
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters on Amazon or Kobo.
Find the audio versions of my three books — Spirit Sisters, Where Spirits Dwell and Love Never Dies – (all narrated by me) at Audible.
Show theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

Halloween episode! True spooky stories to give you goosebumps
Oct 27, 2024Happy Halloween, friends! Welcome to the first episode of the new storytelling format of the Spirit Sisters podcast that I recently announced.
In honour of Halloween, or Samhain, as it’s known in the Celtic tradition, we’re gathering around the virtual hearth today to listen to four true-life spooky-season stories listeners have sent in.
Do you have a story about the unexplained, or a spiritual experience that’s transformed your life that you’d like to share? If you’d like me to read it out on your show email me at [email protected].
Settle in, grab a mug of something warm and let me tell you a story…
Happy Halloween, friends, Samhain blessings to you all.
Email Karina at [email protected]
Connect with Karina at karinamachado.com
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Find Karina on YouTube.
Listen to Soul2Soul Conversations – my podcast collaboration with my soul friend Sara Jayne: https://soul2soulconversations.podbean.com/
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters on Amazon or Kobo.
Find the audio versions of my three books — Spirit Sisters, Where Spirits Dwell and Love Never Dies – (all narrated by me) at Audible.
Show theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

Stories that heal: An answered prayer, an announcement and an invitation
Oct 14, 2024Karina Machado shares news about a fresh direction for the Spirit Sisters podcast, and extends an invitation to you.
All of us are going through personal challenges and experiencing the reverberating grief of the horror and violence being inflicted on innocent people in world conflicts. Let’s carve out a little corner of the internet where we can all take shelter around the glow of the story hearth …
Also, Sydney listeners, I’m offering an in-person writing workshop in a glorious private garden in the Southern Highlands to raise money for Welby Garden Centre’s employment program for people with disability. You can bid for the workshop at a silent auction until October 18. Visit Welbyauction.com.
Click here to bid on a personal writing workshop writing with me.
Ways to share your stories with Karina: Email [email protected]
Visit my website karinamachado.com
Connect on Facebook.
Connect on Instagram.
Click here to listen on Apple podcasts to the Ghost Files episode referenced in this episode.
Find Karina on YouTube.
Listen to Soul2Soul Conversations – my podcast collaboration with my soul friend Sara Jayne: https://soul2soulconversations.podbean.com/
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters on Amazon or Kobo.
Find the audio versions of my three books — Spirit Sisters, Where Spirits Dwell and Love Never Dies – (all narrated by me) at Audible.
Show theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

When the Soul Plan Collides with the Human Plan – Psychic-medium Michelle Clare shares her profound journey of love and grief.
Jun 09, 2024Hi friends, it’s lovely to be back with you after such a long time, thanks for joining us around the virtual hearth today to warm yourself with a story.
I’ve been working on my novel, integrating my 2023 Camino, and completing a second, shorter Camino in May this year. This time we started from the beautiful Spanish city of Leon. I’ll share more in an upcoming episode about the return to the Camino and how that journey continues to so deeply move me in an upcoming episode, but for now, I want to introduce a shining star of a return guest.
Michelle Clare is a psychic-medium and near-death experiencer who I welcomed onto the podcast in an episode that aired on the 15th of November, 2021 (I’ll link to it in the description).
This time, Michelle is back to primarily share about her journey of grief following the recent passing of her partner, Gary. This is a good time to let you know that today’s episode deals with suicide – if you find this challenging, please reach out for support. In Australia you can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 but please do seek out services appropriate for where you are.
I know that many of you have gone through the shock and grief of the kind of loss Michelle describes, so it’s my sincere hope that her story supports you as you navigate your grief in your own way.
I love Michelle’s generosity of spirit in sharing her very personal experience of loss, which as she poignantly states, is not bypassed by her calling as a psychic-medium. However, there are aspects of her vocation and experience of multiple NDEs which do offer a perspective that invites in the light and may hopefully support you today if you are grieving the loss of a loved one to suicide.
On that note of offering healing and support, I send you my love and gratitude from a sunshiney Sydney winter’s day, as well as “un abrazo infinito” – a never-ending hug.
Enjoy my conversation with Michelle Clare.
Learn more about Michelle and contact her here: https://www.michelleclare.net/
Listen to our previous conversation on the Spirit Sisters podcast: https://spiritsistersthepodcast.podbean.com/e/would-youliketo-stay-or-would-you-like-togo%E2%80%93-thechoice-that-propelled-michelle-clare-back-tolifefromherthirdndeandintoan-acceptance-of-hermedi/
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Find Karina on YouTube.
Listen to Soul2Soul Conversations – my podcast collaboration with my soul friend Sara Jayne: https://soul2soulconversations.podbean.com/
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters on Amazon or Kobo.
Find the audio versions of my three books — Spirit Sisters, Where Spirits Dwell and Love Never Dies – (all narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Show theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

From Tradesman to Spiritual Channel –Ben Medhurst shares his extraordinary journey
Mar 17, 2024You’re listening to Spirit Sisters, I’m your host Karina Machado.
I’m thrilled to be back with you all. I promised that I’d be popping in with powerful conversations that I hand pick, and here’s one. Today, I’m introducing Ben Medhurst. Ben is a husband, dad and tradesman who lives in Queensland. He also happens to be a full-body channel for a discarnate collective who share profound wisdom through him.
As Ben shares in his first ever interview, he’s been primed for this his entire life. From his childhood growing up amidst the beauty of nature, Ben learnt to connect with a source beyond his physical dimension.
Always curious about life’s big questions, as a teen, Ben was catapulted into a spiritual world he struggled to comprehend after the death of his elder brother blew open his psychic faculties.
A few years later, a profoundly mystical dream paved the way for his apprenticeship with a famous Indian guru, and, eventually, the arrival of the collective who work through him today at this pivotal point in history which the collective calls “the dawning of a new age of truth.”
There’s so much to Ben’s story, I encourage you to listen in for all the extraordinary details and, towards the end, a direct channelling from the group who speaks through Ben.
I’m going to welcome Ben back onto the show later on in the year, we’d love you to send questions you’d like me to ask the beings who speak through him. If you’re on YouTube, you can drop a comment, or send your questions through my website or social media, all the links are in the show notes.
In the meanwhile, enjoy my conversation with Ben Medhurst, sharing his story publicly for the first time.
Connect with Ben Medhurst:
Ben’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@SoulChannelingofficial
Ben’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SoulChannelingOfficial
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Find Karina on YouTube.
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters on Amazon or Kobo.
Find the audio versions of my three books — Spirit Sisters, Where Spirits Dwell and Love Never Dies – (all narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Show theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

“A Veil Has Lifted” – How a mystical experience at Uluru birthed Lynda Deans’ calling as a spirit-inspired artist
Dec 11, 2023Tune in for my conversation with Queensland-based artist Lynda Deans, whose profound spiritual experience at Uluru three years ago inspired her to begin creating unique and extraordinary art.
Lynda, who describes the experience at Uluru as “a birthing”, has always been in touch with the mystical dimension of life. In our conversation, Lynda shares about many spiritual encounters and moments of synchronicity she’s experienced, including seeing “a fully-fledged angel”, the mysterious meeting in a bookstore on the day of her husband’s sudden passing, her memories of a past life in Jesus’s time, and much more.
Referenced in our interview:
The Isle of Erraid in Scotland: https://www.erraid.com/
Author Robert Louis Stevenson and his connection to Erraid: https://www.erraid.com/history/
The Grandmothers’ “Water Song” which Lynda sings to the water: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDGWuPUH5_A
Connect with Lynda and view her beautiful art on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/recordecor/?hl=en
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters on Amazon or Kobo.
Find the audio versions of my three books — Spirit Sisters, Where Spirits Dwell and Love Never Dies – (all narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Show theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

Five sacred truths I learnt on the Camino de Santiago
Sep 30, 2023As some of you may know, I had a life-changing experience in June and early July of this year. I walked the Camino de Santiago – the Way of St James – an ancient pilgrimage across Spain. On the full moon morning of July 4, I arrived at the Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela, the capital of the beautiful, mist-shrouded Galicia region, which, as you’re about to hear, stole my heart. With her rich heritage of Celtic legends, lore and music, Galicia reunited me with a part of myself I hadn’t known was missing.
And so, this episode is different to usual programming; what follows is my reflection on the pilgrimage, specifically, five sacred truths the Camino revealed to me. The path winds, and I follow, friends. I hope this serves. Enjoy.
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Music in this episode:
Celtic Impulse - Celtic by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100297
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Show theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

Healing the Healer – After she died, Sara returned with a new soul contract
May 23, 2023You’re listening to Spirit Sisters. I’m your host, Karina Machado. As always, I’m delighted that you’re joining me around the virtual fireside today. And we have quite the story for you to warm yourself by tonight.
I was on the train this morning, Spanish guitar playing softly in my earbuds, thinking about what to say in the introduction to this very special episode.
This week, I welcome my dear friend Sara back to the podcast. I first interviewed Sara in the early days of the show, in 2019. We recorded a double episode, which I published in September and October of that year, and I’ve included those links below.
Sara has a riveting story to tell. Hers is one of the most profound NDEs I’ve ever encountered, not just because of the beauty and richness of the experience itself, but also because of the profound repercussions it had on her life, the way it transformed every aspect of her being. Suffice to say that today, she considers herself Sara 2.0, as she shares in our conversation.
From a cardiac diagnostic imaging specialist who gave her all to her patients – a rewarding and very demanding career that she adored, though it ran her ragged – to the survivor of a rare auto-immune condition who, post NDE, is driven to heal hearts in a new way.
Today, Sara is devoted to sharing the message of her NDE – that love is the essence of who we are and that living true to our soul’s purpose is how we ultimately heal. She talks about the Soul Seed planted within each of us and of finding the courage to let it flourish. She also shares her life review in great detail and you’ll hear why this was a highlight of her NDE, and how it’s still rippling out powerfully in her life today. Keep listening to hear about the Healing Chamber, seeing her beloved father and mentor and other loved ones forming part of a jubilant gathering Sara calls the Welcoming Party, and all about the extraordinary downloads she received about the time and space continuum.
This is the story of a woman who’s had to find a fresh way to honour her training in medicine as she navigates a new path that’s aligned, at last, to her soul purpose.
Speaking of taking new paths, tomorrow Sara and I are flying to Spain to walk El Camino de Santiago, the Way of St James. As we head out together with open hearts and faith that the Camino delivers, I will also be cherishing the opportunity to walk towards and through Galicia, mystical land of my great-grandparents. I’m finally walking towards my story, and I have the deep honour of doing that with a soul friend by my side.
At the end of the show, we have some exciting news to share about a collaboration that we trust will water the little Soul Seeds within us. You’ll find links below to our new venture, as well as links to Sara’s charity The Autoimmune Project.
We hope you’ll come and walk with us. Until then, Buen Camino.
Follow Soul2Soul Conversations on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soul2soulconversations/
The Autoimmune Project on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/autoimmuneproject/
The Autoimmune Project website:
Our earlier conversations on Spirit Sisters in 2019:
Part One: https://www.podbean.com/eas/pb-t8kdb-bf8c2b
Part Two: https://www.podbean.com/eas/pb-xdxkr-c236a0
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

The Psychic Detective – Debbie Malone on life as a medium, and the case files that haunt her
May 07, 2023Karina Machado welcomes psychic-medium Debbie Malone to the podcast. Debbie and I have known each other for many years – I first told her story in my 2009 book Spirit Sisters, and she made another appearance in the follow-up, Where Spirits Dwell.
As an internationally acclaimed psychic medium, author, psychic detective and spiritual teacher, Debbie has spent the last 30 years assisting police departments around the globe with high-profile missing persons and murder investigations.
A student of the prestigious Arthur Findlay College, Debbie often features in the media and is in high demand for speaking engagements and other appearances.
In our interview today, Debbie shares the near-death experience that ignited her psychic gifts and casts back to when her dreams were taken over by two victims of the notorious Backpacker Murders, and how this confronting situation catapulted her into her work as a psychic detective. For listeners who may not be familiar the Backpacker Murders, this refers to Australian serial killer Ivan Milat, who murdered seven young backpackers in NSW between 1989 and 1992. Debbie is certain there are more victims, as she tells us on the show.
Aside from her fascinating work as a Psychic-detective, we delve into Debbie’s recent foray into channelling, her book Awaken Your Psychic Ability, her thoughts on the current shift in consciousness, and a lot more.
Enjoy my conversation with my lovely friend, Debbie Malone.
Connect with Debbie Malone, learn about her books and view her spirit photography at her website: https://www.debbiemalone.com/
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

”The substance I was flying through was LOVE” - the near-death experience of Jacob King
Mar 10, 2023Karina Machado speaks with Jacob King, who’s 33 and lives in Melbourne. In October 2021, Jacob had a near-death experience that profoundly transformed his world.
Up until that point, Jacob was doing his best to cope with the effects of a traumatic childhood and subsequent drug addiction.
“I couldn't understand how all these things could exist side by side,” he says. “Was I a depressed, violent addict, or a spiritual and loving person? Could I ever heal from my trauma, or was I always going to be damaged and dysfunctional? Am I just a victim of circumstances, or something else? Who am I? These questions baffled me until the age of 32, where I had my NDE and met God in person. I took the opportunity to ask these questions to his face. His answers changed my life.”
Jacob is still integrating his recent NDE but is now committed to a life of service through sharing his story. In our conversation, we talk about moments when he realised how his story had a healing effect on others.
“I feel as though my life plan is to help a lot of people through speaking about what I've learned, and the things I continue to learn. But this plan isn't mine. I've surrendered my life to a higher power, so I just want to be an open vessel to be used as needed. So far, the results have been better than anything I could have planned on my own.”
Please note, Jacob’s story references suicidal thoughts. If this brings up anything for you, please contact Lifeline in Australia on 13 11 14, or seek local support outside Australia.
Enjoy my conversation with Jacob King.
Subscribe to Jacob’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@jacobking369
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

“They can be in their world and they can be in ours” – Chrissy’s ghostly encounters
Feb 12, 2023You’re listening to Spirit Sisters, I’m your host, Karina Machado. I’m back after a long break, grateful for your patience and lovely messages.
I experienced a challenging time towards the end of last year and I felt I had to press pause on the podcast and a few other things in order to look after myself.
And so, in the spirit of creating and healing, I’m so happy to share this episode with you this week. My guest is Chrissy, a teacher specialising in wellbeing who lives in Victoria. Chrissy has had a lifetime of fascinating encounters with the spirit world, and we’re concentrating on three key stories in this episode.
From a heart-stopping brush with a spirit man when she was a little girl, to the chilling, yet poignant experiences of her adult years, Chrissy draws us close around the virtual fireside today as she explores the defining spiritual encounters of her life.
Of these, there’s one in particular that Chrissy will never forget, involving a pair of siblings searching for their parents in Victoria’s historic Ballarat region. There’s an intriguing postscript to this story which offers clues as to the identity of the children Chrissy saw. She recently discovered that there had been an orphanage built in 1865 just minutes away from where Chrissy was staying when she met the children… I’ll be posting about this on social media, so check out my Facebook and Instagram pages for that.
For now, enjoy my conversation with Chrissy, telling the story of spirits who dwell in the threshold between worlds.
Listen to the interview with previous podcast guest Danielle, which I mention in the episode: https://www.podbean.com/eas/pb-rhjnq-f7c9bc
Listen to the interview with previous guest Rhonda, who also saw “the visitors”:
Listen to my book Where Spirits Dwell on Audible: https://www.audible.com.au/pd/Where-Spirits-Dwell-Audiobook/1489357823?source_code=SEMPP30DTRIAL4510830220001&ipRedirectOverride=true&gclid=CjwKCAjw5P2aBhAlEiwAAdY7dF4YCw2Rgfgl32Ywb7CUknFyRqC74411hHydi_vfs5nFtNzDjH0PPRoC_gwQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

Halloween Episode! The General Store – “My God, the place is packed with ghosts!”
Nov 01, 2022Welcome to our special Halloween episode on Spirit Sisters with Karina Machado.
I thought it only fitting that I share a haunted house story today. What makes it extra special is that I had the opportunity to catch up with Nell Jones, whose story features in my book Where Spirits Dwell.
Nell is a retired teacher and writer who lives in Stockton, an historic beachside suburb in the NSW city of Newcastle. The traditional custodians of these lands and waters are the Awabakal and Worimi Peoples.
In 2000, Nell bought a derelict, century-old cottage that had once been a general store. The home signified a fresh start for Nell and her then teenaged daughter, but as they would come to discover, they’d have to share it with a cast of spirit visitors. From a vintage dame in a stylish frock, to a smelly coal miner and little girls playing in the backyard, the place “was packed with ghosts,” as a paranormal investigator declared.
At the height of the haunting, Nell called in the investigator from the Australian Institute of Parapsychological Research; his name is Robb Tilley and there’s a chapter about his case files in Where Spirits Dwell.
As Nell shares in our conversation, Robb performed a house clearing but even all these years later, Nell still has a sense that she has company in the house.
Enjoy Nell’s story about her beloved home, portal to the past.
Listen to my book Where Spirits Dwell on Audible: https://www.audible.com.au/pd/Where-Spirits-Dwell-Audiobook/1489357823?source_code=SEMPP30DTRIAL4510830220001&ipRedirectOverride=true&gclid=CjwKCAjw5P2aBhAlEiwAAdY7dF4YCw2Rgfgl32Ywb7CUknFyRqC74411hHydi_vfs5nFtNzDjH0PPRoC_gwQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

“We don’t die, the only thing that ends is our body” – meet psychic-medium David Gammal
Sep 17, 2022Karina Machado presents the second episode in the Psychic September mini-series. These are conversations with a diverse group of psychic-mediums, people of different ages, genders and at varying stages in their journey of their lives and of their calling as one who links the living with loved ones beyond the veil.
(This is all about sharing life experiences, not endorsing a business, as I haven’t had readings with any of them. I might do so one day, but I haven’t yet. As always, this is all about speaking from the heart as we build bridges of connection to each other through our stories.)
It's my pleasure to introduce you today to David Gammal, who’s based in Sydney’s inner-west. Dave has always known that he had a psychic ability, but didn’t know what that meant. Going through life-changing challenges throughout his 20s taught Dave to embrace his ability and use it to give back to others.
Service is a theme in Dave’s life, as you’re about to hear. Dave actually honed his abilities as a support worker for people with disabilities, which I found fascinating. I really enjoyed Dave’s warmth and candour as he shared his story with me.
Dave talks about his struggles to try and fit in as a young person, battling low self-esteem, people-pleasing tendencies and of the gifts he’s come to recognise were in the darkest moments. He shares about his mentor, psychic-medium Debbie Malone, and how her book helped put him on the right path.
He takes us through the nuts and bolts of a reading and about how to avoid connecting with low-frequency spirits. At the end, he shares a beautiful message of hope for anyone who’s grieving a loved one.
There’s a lot we cover in an hour. I really enjoyed my conversation with David Gammal, I hope you do too.
Please note, this episode references suicide and a violent assault. If you need support, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14. Outside of Australia, please reach out to your appropriate local support services.
For now, settle in as Dave Gammal takes us inside the life of a professional psychic-medium.
Connect with Dave at his website: https://yourmessagesfrombeyond.com/
Connect with Dave on Instagram.
Dave references Awaken Your Psychic Ability by Debbie Malone. You can find the updated edition here.
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

A dream, a ghost girl and a past-life memory – how a spirit gave Kate the courage to trust her calling as a psychic-medium
Aug 28, 2022You’re listening to Spirit Sisters. I’m your host, Karina Machado. Thank you for tuning in.
I have something a little different today: the first conversation in a mini-series I’m calling ‘Psychic September.’ Throughout the month of September, I’m bringing you conversations with a diverse group of psychic-mediums. Before we launch into the series, I’d like to point out that this is about sharing the life experiences of psychic-mediums, I’m not endorsing their businesses, as I haven’t had readings with any of them. As always, this is all about speaking from the heart as we share our stories.
We’re starting today with Kate Lowe, who lives in Victoria. Kate had a thriving career in PR and marketing but her soul always called her to live her spiritual truth.
During Covid, she channelled an idea to support children learning at home and its success gave her the impetus to launch out on her own, finally doing the work she loves – being a psychic-medium – full-time, on her own terms. As she says, “I just decided that I wanted to be me; I wanted to be all of me.”
Today, Kate shares the astounding story of Amelia, a spirit child who reached out to her in a dream, and that proved to be just the beginning of an extraordinary sequence of events, as you’re about to hear from Kate.
Please note, this episode references sexual assault. If you need support, please call 1800RESPECT in Australia. That’s 1800 737 732. If you’re elsewhere, please reach out to your appropriate local support services.
Settle in as Kate Lowe tells us about her life-changing encounter with a little spirit called Amelia.
Connect with Kate at her website: https://www.spiritualbusiness.com.au/
Connect with Kate on Instagram
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

“I’m walking the planet from my heart” – How Ash Perrow is living true to the “contract” of his near-death experience
Jul 22, 2022Karina Machado welcomes Ash Perrow. Ash is an Australian musician, and creative freedom coach. In 2016, Ash had a near death experience (NDE) following complications from back surgery. He experienced leaving his body and returned to it with the awareness that he was permitted to stay ‘for the work that he does and to walk the planet from his heart’.
Since then, he has been exploring the barriers to being our truest version of ourselves and helping others to do the same. Along this path, he left his teaching job and returned to writing, sharing and performing music, as well as engaging in deep personal work to discover what prevents us from living a life from the heart.
Ash is passionate about helping people to create a life they love, as you’re about to discover.
As Ash unspooled his story, our conversation branched out in a number of fruitful directions, and I’ve included links in the show notes to everything we discussed, in case you’d like to explore further.
Also, for the first time on the Spirit Sisters podcast, I’ve included a musical interlude! Ash kindly contributed one of his beautiful songs, called “I’m moving on,” featuring Naomi Connell. Music is such a big piece of Ash’s life, so this seems another meaningful way for Ash to share his story – and his heart – with us all on the show today. Listen out for the song around halfway through our conversation, and I invite you to pay close attention to the lyrics. There might be a shining jewel of an invitation there for you.
Connect with Ash (and learn more about his music and coaching) at his website: https://ashperrow.com/
Connect with Ash on Facebook
Connect with Ash on YouTube (and watch the film clip of “I’m Moving On,” as played during our conversation).
Connect with Ash on Instagram
Referenced in our conversation:
- here is the video where Ash describes in detail the after-effects of his NDE
- Click here to read or listen to the poem The Guest House, by Rumi
- Learn more about the late author/spiritual teacher Wayne Dyer here
- Read about Anita Moorjani’s near-death experience here
- Learn more about the Path of Love Retreat here
- Click here for information about the book How to Change Your Mind, by Michael Pollan
- Click here for more on the book The Immortality Key, by Brian C. Muraresku
- Listen to the late Mellen Thomas Benedict share the story of his NDE on the Coast to Coast radio show; or for a summary of his experience, click here.
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

From Trauma to “Truforgiveness”– Part 2 of Natasha McKenna’s 40-year journey to healing and purpose
Jul 03, 2022You’re listening to Spirit Sisters. I’m your host, Karina Machado, thank you for joining us today, for part two of my conversation with Australian spiritual teacher and author Tash McKenna.
What does forgiveness mean to you? As I publish this podcast, mainstream news sites tell of the Abdallah family from the Sydney suburb of Oatlands, who were invited to share their extraordinary story of forgiveness with the Vatican. On a summer’s day in 2020, the Abdallahs lost three of their six children – Sienna, Angelina and Antony – to a driver affected by drugs and alcohol. The kids were on a walk to buy ice-cream, and their cousin, Veronique, also died.
What caught the world’s attention was the way Danny and Leila Abdallah publicly forgave the driver. They talk about forgiveness as a means to heal and “not retreat into hatred”.
As I honour the Abdallahs and their immense courage, I think of what forgiveness has meant to me over the years. What I’ve found is that where there is unforgiveness, there is no growth or life or flourishing of creativity. There is no progress or joy. We cannot access love from a space of unforgiveness and that must always be to everyone’s detriment.
In part two of our conversation today, Tash McKenna shares how she arrived at her teaching of "Truforgiveness," a tool that she has discovered to be utterly transformational in her journey of trauma to peace. If you haven’t listened to part one with Tash, please scroll down and listen to that first so that you can follow on.
In the first episode, Tash told us about how, as an eight-year-old trauma survivor, she heard the audible voice of God, an encounter which sparked the beginning of a 40-year spiritual odyssey that led her into deepest suffering.
Today, Tash shares how receiving the teachings of The Treasure Map of Truforgiveness, FAITH & the ‘I Forgive’ Principle, lit a way out of the darkness for her, and her hopes that they may also support others who are struggling.
In this episode, Tash also shares more about her understanding of time, about dreams she had two decades ago that planted the seed for her work today, and about the ways we constantly project our turmoil outwardly unless we awaken from ego identification. As Tash says, “What’s inside of you is what you experience outside of yourself in time.” We also discuss how the work of healing ourselves is essentially what heals us all.
Editing the podcast, it struck me that Tash’s teachings echo the Hawaiian spiritual tradition of Ho’oponopono, which some of you might already know. It too lays out forgiveness as a path to inner peace and teaches that we must forgive within in order to see results without. In the practice of Ho’oponopono we’re encouraged to repeat the words “I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you”. As with Tash’s Treasure Map, this mantra is intended to undo false beliefs in our subconscious mind in order to transform our outer experience.
As in our first episode, Tash launches the show with a mini Treasure Map of forgiving within, a rhythmic song of prayer to open our conversation. In my imagination, these words of forgiveness are released like doves of peace into our hurting world.
Again, I invite you to open wide your heart and mind to it and take your time with these teachings, which reference A Course in Miracles. Click here to learn more about A Course in Miracles, which I consider the most extraordinary channelled text of the 20th century.
Tash has also kindly offered our listeners 10 prize packs of The Treasure Map e-book, and a “Course in Miracles Explained” mini course, which includes a meditation and journal prompts. These will go to the first 10 people to message me via my website, karinamachado.com, so drop me a line.
Before we begin, please note that this episode references an eating disorder and acute PTSD. If you need support, and you're in Australia, call Lifeline on 13 11 14. Outside of Australia, please search for local support services.
Enjoy part two of my conversation with Tash McKenna, sharing how Truforgiveness healed her life.
Connect with Tash and access free resources at her website: https://www.tashmckenna.com/
Find out more about A Course in Miracles: https://acim.org/
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

Trauma, “Truforgiveness” and a Promise from God – Natasha McKenna reveals her 40-year journey to healing and purpose
Jun 18, 2022In 1982, Michael Jackson released his Thriller album; the Australian Prime Minister was Malcolm Fraser, Prince William was born and E.T. The Extra Terrestrial premiered in cinemas … and, in her bedroom in a beachside suburb east of Sydney, an 8-year-old called Natasha McKenna received a visit from God.
Tash, as she’s known, is my guest today on Spirit Sisters, in part one of a two-part conversation. Tash is a spiritual teacher and Truforgiveness healer. As an eight-year-old trauma survivor, hearing the audible voice of God make her a promise sparked the beginning of a 40-year spiritual odyssey that pushed her to the depths of despair.
Throughout her life, with a Commerce Degree to lean on, Tash has worked a myriad of roles, including talent booker and marketing manager before being guided to dedicate her life entirely to bringing through the teachings she’s received. Tash is the author of The Treasure Map of Truforgiveness, FAITH & the ‘I Forgive’ Principle.
In Tash’s words, “this is the true way to forgive that has been gifted by God. It is how you change your mind from the wrong mind of judgment and attack to the right mind of peace and love that precedes spiritual awakening. It is how you truly heal and make miracles your own.”
As you’ll hear in the opening minutes, Tash and I are friends, having met in unlikely circumstances years ago. We also found out we were both students of the spiritual self-study text, A Course in Miracles, a channelled work which teaches forgiveness as a path to healing and inner peace.
What Tash teaches is a kind of corollary to A Course in Miracles, or ACIM, in that she offers how to actually forgive from the Right Mind – you’ll hear her refer to that a lot – and not the ego mind, which only brings about a false forgiveness. Tash was instructed to call her process, “Truforgiveness,” and she shares a fascinating story about how that unfolded. She also reveals her near-death experience and other mystical experiences, including a profound journey “outside of time.”
This is a challenging episode, and an advanced teaching, so I invite you to open wide your heart and mind to it and take your time. Tash, who was raised in a non-religious setting, uses traditional Christian terms in fresh and surprising ways, much like ACIM. For instance, her definition of God is “the Wholeness of Perfect Love … beingness over bodily identification.”
Before we begin, please note that this episode references suicide, eating disorders, substance abuse and PTSD. If you need support, and you're in Australia, call Lifeline on 13 11 14. Outside of Australia, please search for local support services.
Enjoy my conversation with Tash McKenna, sharing her full story publicly for the first time.
Connect with Tash and access free resources at her website: https://www.tashmckenna.com/
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

Driving Into Infinity - Paula Lenz was at the wheel of her late brother’s car when his spirit took her on a detour into the universe
May 15, 2022Thanks for joining me around the virtual fireside for another uplifting story.
I’m recording this intro on a full moon and eclipse. This isn’t my area of expertise but I have it on good authority that this is significant, and certainly I can feel it. Individually and collectively, we are all going through so much. For me, this is a time of profound shifts and a reckoning. I wonder how many of you can relate to that?
I feel very guided through this by various disincarnate loving beings, including my ancestors. I’m feeling the calling to write a new book very intensely. While I’m very drawn to fiction, there are also non-fiction ideas brewing around the topics and stories we discuss on the Spirit Sisters podcast.
I was prodded to share this with you today because I know that so many of you will relate to the pull to do something that truly honours your soul. Tell me about it, I’d love to hear. I actually had to discard two earlier versions of this intro because it didn’t say what my heart wanted to say.
None of this is to say that I’m going to turn away from the podcast, but I hope that you can be patient with me as I navigate this terrain. I know how much these stories mean to you all so I’ll keep putting them out there and growing this lovely community. You all feel like family to me and I treasure the words you write to me about how the episodes lift your heart when little else will. So thank you.
Now that I’ve shared that, and speaking of heart-lifting stories, let me tell you about today’s episode. My guest is Paula Lenz.
Paula had a truly extraordinary spiritual experience in 1983, days after her beloved brother Donnie died in an accident. Amazingly enough, her out of body experience happened while she was driving his car. While her spirit was reunited with Donnie, her body safely steered the car to its destination. Fascinating.
In our conversation today, Paula shares in detail about her spiritually transformative experience, about the blissful wonder of hanging out in the “oneness” with her beloved Donnie, and and the many ways he continues to reach out to her.
She also offers a message for anyone who’s grieving someone they love, and she tells us about the technique she’s created called M.I.S.T, MIST, which stands for Meld Into Spirit Technique, a simple way, she says, to enable our connection with the world beyond our physical senses.
There’s a lot more, of course. Enjoy my conversation with Paula Lenz. And if you love Spirit Sisters, please subscribe, rate and review the show. It helps others to find their way to these stories and that, after all, it’s what it’s all about.
Connect with Paula at https://paulalenz.wixsite.com/paulalenz
Click here for Paula’s free M.I.S.T technique - Meld Into Spirit
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

Angel of Hope - After tragedy, an unearthly visitor brought light back into Rhonda’s life
Apr 18, 2022Karina Machado presents an original voice from her 2009 book Spirit Sisters. Rhonda Rice, a scripture teacher from Sydney, tells a story that encompasses various spiritual and paranormal threads. Rhonda has experienced otherworldly encounters since she was a little girl doing her best to cope with the tragic loss of her baby sister, Laurel. In the wake of that devastating day, an angelic encounter paved the way for a lifetime of mystical encounters.
In her 30s, Rhonda had a near-death experience and in her 50s, she began to see “the visitors,” as she calls them, strangers who look absolutely alive who materialise beside her bed. Today, in her 80s, Rhonda continues to have spiritually transformative experiences. At the beginning of our conversation, Rhonda shared a story about being on a cruise just before Covid, and having an accident that should have seen her seriously injured or worse. Instead, she felt herself supernaturally lifted “in a whoosh,” as she described it, to safety onto the bed.
Earlier, Rhonda’s partner had insisted she come and see an artwork onboard the ship. As it happened, the piece depicted a beautiful angel. Later, Rhonda reflected on that as she came through her mishap unscathed. She believes it’s the same guardian angel she met as a child.
Angels figure prominently in Rhonda’s story, especially when she describes the aftermath of the unfathomable family tragedy. I wrote in my book Love Never Dies that stories are “memorials built of words and hewn with love, not cold stone or marble,” and Rhonda’s story reminds me of that. Yes, it’s a slice of Australian history, a first-hand account of days gone by, but beyond that, it ensures that a precious toddler called Laurel will never be forgotten.
Rhonda's story appears as "Faith's Envoy" in Spirit Sisters (Hachette Australia 2009). Her account of seeing the visitors is included in Chapter 1.
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

Miracle on the Highway
Mar 28, 2022Karina Machado welcomes a special guest with a wondrous story, or three, to share.
My guest is Leesa Anderson and she’s a storyteller extraordinaire. Leesa has a background in the corporate world and lives in beautiful Montana, USA, with her family. She has a lifetime of mystical experiences behind her, stretching back to her childhood growing up on a ranch feeling very close to God amid spectacular natural surrounds, but she’s only recently decided it’s the right time to begin sharing these stories with the world.
As Leesa told me after we’d stopped recording this episode, “These stories are not about me, they’re about the Truth behind me.”
Leesa says that what’s important right now is to share the hope that these stories offer to whoever is in need. Today, this was me. Perhaps it’s you, too. “What’s welling up in me is to release the sense of love in these stories,” she says. Yes, love abounds in these yarns, as you’re about to here. In fact, it’s the very agent of the miracles Leesa describes.
Get ready for a captivating 90 minutes around the virtual fireside with the lovely Leesa Anderson, and you can be certain she’ll be back on the show very soon to share more experiences to enrich your heart and soul. Enjoy.
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

”There’s only one cosmic play-dough. Everything is God” - Part two with near-death experiencer Susan Dyer
Mar 06, 2022Near-death experiencer Susan Dyer joins Karina Machado for part two of our conversation. If you haven’t listened to part one yet, I encourage you to scroll down to the episode below and tune in to that first so that you have the full context for today’s episode.
In this one, we pick up where we left off, as Susan shares all about the physical healing following her 2017 NDE that confounded her medical specialists. Yet this was no fairytale happy ending. Next, Susan found herself on an emotional roller coaster that saw her lose friends and once again fall seriously ill.
This conversation is a deep dive. As she did in part one, Susan shares very openly, offering wisdom, gleaned from her experiences, about the nature of reality, her understanding of God as ultimate Liberation, and empowerment. She also shares simple practices to help identify your purpose and connect with your spirit guides. As Susan says, “If you were to swing your arm you would knock down several celestial beings… you are surrounded by help at all times.”
Enjoy part two of my conversation with Susan Dyer.
Connect with Susan at her website: susandyer.com
Enjoy metaphysical how-tos and channelled messages on her YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/SusanDyer1111
Join Susan’s Facebook Group, Divining Women https://www.facebook.com/groups/DiviningWomen
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

”I promised God I’d return and live transparently” - Part one with near-death experiencer Susan Dyer
Feb 20, 2022Welcome to Spirit Sisters. Today, my guest is Susan Dyer. Susan, who lives just outside Washington DC, is a survivor and a champion of women's spirituality. Susan was born clairvoyant—and raised by baffled, Catholic parents who couldn’t understand what she was seeing and experiencing. She hated herself by kindergarten, she says, and doubted her sanity, until merging with what she describes as “unnamable God” in a near-death experience in 2017.
Susan’s NDE is unusual, in that it contains aspects you might not have heard before in an NDE account. Her fascinating experience raises questions, for me at least, about the role we play in co-creating our experiences, whether that be an NDE or as part of our everyday life in the quote unquote real world… Susan holds bachelor’s degrees in creative writing and cultural anthropology, which makes sense, as it was an excerpt of her beautifully expressed NDE that I read online that led me to invite Susan onto Spirit Sisters.
Her story is multi-layered and extensive, so we recorded it in two parts. Enjoy part one of my conversation with Susan Dyer.
Connect with Susan at her website: susandyer.com
Enjoy metaphysical how-tos and channelled messages on her YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/SusanDyer1111
Join Susan’s Facebook Group, Divining Women https://www.facebook.com/groups/DiviningWomen
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.
Theme music: Mysterious by MusicPond, from Audio Jungle
I acknowledge the Dharawal people who are the Traditional Custodians of the land of Sutherland Shire, in NSW, Australia, where I live and record Spirit Sisters, and I recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and community. I pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging.

“Nobody dies alone” - Delving into a lifetime of mystical encounters with near-death experiencer and spiritual explorer Mariel Forde Clarke
Jan 29, 2022Welcome back to Spirit Sisters! It feels a little late to be wishing you a happy new year, but I really do hope that 2022 has started on a positive note for you and yours. I’ve taken an extended break, but am back now and have some fascinating guests to introduce you to in the coming months, including some fresh Australian voices.
Now to today’s episode. My guest is Mariel Forde Clarke, who lives in the historic harbour city of Galway, Ireland. Mariel has dedicated her life to exploring the mystery of life and death, and is the author of Whereafter: Where Do Our Loved Ones Go After They Die; she’s also a near-death experiencer and a lifelong experiencer of the spirit world.
In our conversation, you’ll hear about the “whirlpool of beautiful light” Mariel was absorbed into during her 1992 NDE, as well as her mystical encounters with Mother Mary and the life-affirming after-death contact from her father, some very moving moments there.
We also discuss her healing journey through cancer, the living power of the words we speak, Mariel’s calling as a “spirit midwife” assisting people who are close to passing, her own shared-death experience with her beloved mum, her passion to help children navigate grief and so much more.
I hope you’ll be captivated until the end, when Mariel closes with a very beautiful blessing for you to take into your day or evening…
A warning before we start, this episode references suicide. If this is upsetting, please contact Lifeline in Australia on 13 11 14, or the appropriate services in your country.
Enjoy my conversation with Mariel Forde Clarke.
Connect with Mariel at her website; http://marielfordeclarke.com/
Buy Mariel’s book, Whereafter: https://www.johnhuntpublishing.com/6th-books/our-books/where-after
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
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Missionary From the Light - Yvonne Sneeden’s message of hope
Dec 20, 2021Karina Machado speaks to near-death experiencer Yvonne Sneeden.
Yvonne hails from Belgium and ives in North Carolina, where she works in IT. She’s had two near-death experiences, but the one she’s sharing today is “the big one,” as she calls it. In 2008, Yvonne was diagnosed with arrhythmia during an extremely stressful stage of her life. As a single mother living in a new country, she was working herself to the bone to provide for her daughter and she was utterly depleted. An involuntary overdose of powerful medication she’d been prescribed to treat the arrhythmia propelled Yvonne into an exquisite Light.
Listen in as Yvonne shares the healing moments that ensued - for she WAS healed, in body and spirit - in her own beautiful words.
Once you’ve listened to Yvonne tell her story you’ll know why I purposefully sought her out to be my final guest of the year. I wanted a story that could transport, uplift, soothe and encourage. A story to remind us all, at the close of another challenging year, of what really matters. As Yvonne says, in that magnificent light, “I had no fear, no anxiety, no anger, no frustration. I was just basking in that everlasting light.”
I want to say a huge thank you to all of you for tuning in to Spirit Sisters this year. I’ll be back in 2022 to share more heart-lifting conversations about mysteries and marvels. In the meantime, enjoy a safe and happy festive season with your loved ones. May your time together be full of peace, joy and unconditional love.
Connect with Yvonne at her website; www.liveheaven-now.com
Yvonne’s all-French YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcjKubKQGvOT0-A-YXgz9YQ
The documentary Yvonne co-produced, Back From The Light, is available here.
Click here for a beautiful NDE Journey Meditation, The World Beyond, which Yvonne put together for the 2020 International IANDS Conference.
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.

“Would you like to stay or would you like to go?” – The choice that propelled Michelle Clare back to life from her third NDE, and into an acceptance of her mediumship
Nov 15, 2021You’re listening to Spirit Sisters, I’m your host, Karina Machado. I have such a wonderful conversation to share with you today, but before we launch into that, quick shout to thank all of you who’ve taken a moment to leave a review and rate the show. That really helps people find their way to the show, and as I know from the beautiful emails and Facebook messages I receive from listeners, the stories that we share here can make a profound difference to someone’s grieving journey.
My guest today is Arizona-based medium and mother of three Michelle Clare. A decade ago, Michelle suffered a traumatic brain injury. A couple of months later, while recovering, she noticed her ability to commune with Spirit, which she’d had since childhood, had dramatically increased. She received an unexpected life-changing message for her son. Soon after, she began receiving life-altering messages for other people from loved ones who had transitioned, and an exciting journey began to unfold for her.
We talk about all of that today, not to mention Michelle’s three near-death experiences, which she shares with us in fascinating detail. The accident which left Michelle with a head injury was actually her third and most transformative NDE. Michelle has learnt a lot from her NDEs and decades of spirit communication… there’s so much wisdom in the stories she humbly shares. Enjoy my conversation with Michelle Clare.
Visit Michelle Clare at her website https://www.michelleclare.net/
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Connect with Michelle on Instagram
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Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
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Loving Through the Veil - What Dreams May Come producer Stephen Simon is in constant communication with his wife, Lauren, three years after her transition
Oct 17, 2021Karina Machado welcomes veteran Hollywood producer Stephen Simon, whose body of film-making includes Smokey and the Bandit, The Goodbye Girl, All the Right Moves, Somewhere in Time, and the Oscar-winning What Dreams May Come, starring Robin Williams.
For 16 years, Stephen also ran the Spiritual Cinema Circle, dedicated to distributing spiritual films to a global audience in over 70 countries, and he’s also the producer and director of the film version of Conversations With God, based on Neale Donald Walsch’s best-selling book series.
Stephen is joining me on the show today to share a profound message about hope and the indestructibility of love. On January 3, 2018, his lovely wife Lauren passed away in her sleep, aged only 54. It wasn’t long before Lauren began to communicate with Stephen, and in October 2018 they began to write a book together. It’s called What Dreams Have Come and it’s a stark and beautiful testament to the truth that love never dies.
I want to thank my friend and fellow podcast host KAren Swain for introducing me to Stephen, who shares his story with such an open heart and enthusiasm to remind anyone whose loved ones have crossed to know that, “after life, there is more,” to quote the ad line for his beloved 1998 movie, What Dreams May Come.
In our conversation, we discuss all the amazing parallels between Stephen’s key films, Somewhere in Time, starring Christopher Reeve, and What Dreams May Come - both of which focussed on enduring love between a couple on opposite sides of the veil – and his and Lauren’s own love story. You’re about to hear how his movies played a crucial part in making certain that Stephen and Lauren found each other.
Theirs is such a beautiful love story, no doubt worthy of the silver screen. I’m so honoured that Stephen shared it with us today in a broad-ranging conversation that also touched on the dazzling days of the golden age of Hollywood cinema, Stephen’s early memories of seeing his father’s spirit, his mind-blowing first communication from Lauren after her transition, the life-changing advice his good friend Neale Donald Walsch gave him when Stephen was in the depths of grief, and the powerful sense of life purpose that drives him ever onward. There’s much more – wait til you hear who Stephen’s Godfather is!
Lastly, please note that our conversation touches on themes about suicide. If you need support, call Lifeline in Australia on 13 11 14, or seek out services in your country.
Contact Stephen and buy the book he cowrote with his wife Lauren, What Dreams Have Come, here.
If you enjoyed this episode, you may also enjoy this conversation I had with Jorge Golvano about his enduring bond with his wife, Ana.
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
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Living Your Soul’s Purpose – After tragedy shook her world, Jo Buchanan took a leap of faith and launched a lifetime of spiritual adventures
Sep 26, 2021Welcome to Spirit Sisters.
My guest today is Jo Buchanan. Jo is the author of The Final Mystery, a memoir that explores the notion that we all have agency to create a life that’s aligned with our soul purpose. Jo, who lives in Melbourne, Australia, is a wise and warm soul with an illustrious spiritual heritage. In 1927, her father, Les Danby, joined a mediumship circle led by a quietly spoken fellow called Stan Walsh. The astonishing phenomena Les witnessed led him to write a book called The Certainty of Eternity. In our conversation, Jo shares more about being born into the understanding that consciousness survives death, and tells us about the incredible collection of apports she inherited from her father.
Before we get into it, here’s a bit more about Jo: in the 1960s, she worked as a primary school teacher in Melbourne and Sydney schools until she married jazz musician Tony Buchanan and had children, Miles, Beth and Simone Buchanan. All three are actors who became familiar faces on Australian television.
For fifteen years, Jo worked on film and television sets as chaperone and schoolteacher to child actors. Then, after studying psychotherapy and becoming a counsellor, Jo worked in mental health. At the same time, she cared for her sister and nephew, who both lived with schizophrenia. The year she turned 50, after a series of tragic personal losses, Jo sold her house in order to finance her lifelong dream of exploring the sacred sites of Egypt, the Mayan jungles in Mexico and the Native American Indian reservations in Arizona where she was invited to participate in ancient traditional ceremonies.
These are the spiritual adventures we’re about to dive into, as Jo looks back on these sacred journeys and shares her life-changing spiritual experiences. Get ready for some wonderful stories, including an unforgettable encounter with the White Buffalo Calf Woman, a sacred figure for the Lakota people. Jo is a fascinating lady and it was such an honour to speak with her. I want to thank the Spirit Sisters listener who suggested I interview Jo. If there’s someone you’d love me to interview on the show, please drop me a line at the links below. For now, enjoy my conversation with Jo Buchanan.
Buy Jo’s memoir The Final Mystery at her publisher's website
Buy Jo’s memoir on Amazon
Learn more about and buy The Certainty of Eternity, written by Jo’s Father, Les Danby
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
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Painting the Angelic Choir – In 1996, the Angels issued an invitation to Kayt Raymond. She said Yes – and so began an extraordinary partnership
Sep 12, 2021Welcome to Spirit Sisters, with Karina Machado.
My guest today is intuitive and angel communicator, Kayt Raymond. Kayt studied piano, clarinet, voice and choral conducting at the Conservatorium in Newcastle, Australia, and later on scholarship at the University of Washington in Seattle, USA. It was here that she met Jean, a spiritual mentor who revealed that angels had told her about Kayt’s arrival a year earlier. Jean even showed Kayt the page in her spiritual journal where she’d documented the message. All a hint, perhaps, that the angels had great plans in store for the young Australian musician.
Kayt went on to work as a corporate executive and later as a consultant based in Sydney.
In 1996, Kayt met a group of Angels and her life was transformed. They invited her to connect with them and paint them. Though not an artist she began to paint with these beings and was taught how to commune and co-create with them as colleagues and friends.
It’s such a fascinating story – a musician turned corporate high-flyer who accepts the Angels’ invitation, even if it means having to start from scratch learning how to paint as well as somehow making this new calling fit in with her everyday life.
Enjoy my conversation with Kayt Raymond. At the end, Kayt shares a beautiful message from the angels that she received just for us. It’s very special.
Connect with Kayt at her website
Follow Kayt on Instagram at @kaytraymond
Follow Kayt on Facebook at @kaytraymondofficial
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
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“We. Are. One” – Part two with María Lupita Gurulé on the after-effects of her NDE and learning how to merge with her soul
Aug 23, 2021It’s a joy to have you back for part two of my conversation with mystic, spiritual reader and counsellor María Lupita Gurulé, on the phone from New Mexico.
If you haven’t yet had a chance to listen to part one, please scroll down to Episode 53 so that you can hear all about María Lupita’s remarkable near-death experience that transformed her life in the year 2000.
Today, María Lupita shares candidly about the after-effects of her NDE, including the first three very difficult years that followed it, her post-natal depression, sense of disorientation and the burgeoning psychic gifts which pointed the way to a new beginning.
She also reminds us that “every single one of us is intuitive” and shares simple practices to help us reconnect with ourselves. María Lupita also tells us about her beautiful shared-death experience with her mother, and reveals the heartfelt story of her profound lifelong connection to Mexico’s Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Towards the end, we discuss the importance of integrating and loving our shadow and why self-love is a crucial aspect of the Golden Rule. Plus, so much more.
Subscribe to María Lupita’s YouTube channel
Learn more about María Lupita at her website
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Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
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Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
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“I was immersed in a pool of liquid light” – the mind-bending near-death experience of María Lupita Gurulé
Aug 16, 2021I'm excited to present part one of my conversation with near-death experiencer María Lupita Gurulé, on the phone from New Mexico, USA.
María Lupita is a mother of two young adults, ages 23 and 21. Both her pregnancies were life-threatening for mother and child. Birthing her first-born 10 weeks early, María Lupita had an out-of-body experience that sparked several miraculous events. Then two and a half years later, on June 5, 2000, on the day her second child was born, María Lupita died from complications of anaesthesia before surgery and was revived.
It's estimated that she was out for approximately 8 minutes "here", but it was as though she spent a lifetime on the other side. She returned, yet all of life as she knew it was different. In this episode, you’re going to hear about her NDE in exquisite detail, everything from the “golden” presence whose love and beauty is impossible to convey, the flame of fire in the Blessed Mother’s heart that María Lupita understood was the God centre of the omniverse, the major revelation in her life review and the “Pool of Liquid Light” she was immersed in to heal afterward, and so much more. At the end, María Lupita tells us about “The Grand Experiment” which is life, and the purpose of it.
More than two decades have passed since her near-death experience, but only now does she finally feel ready to share with others what was shown and told to her on the other side.
Today, María Lupita has dedicated her life and energy to healing the Soul to help others create their best life. She is a T-Trainer for Stanford University's Self-Management Education Programs; holds certifications in a multitude of healing techniques and modalities, as well as in the arts of interpersonal communication, dispute mediation and medical-support hypnotherapy. María Lupita also has eight years of training, initiations and apprenticeship in shamanic healing. She describes herself as a mystic, a spiritual reader and counsellor.
Learn more about María Lupita at her website
Join Maria Lupita on Facebook
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
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“The tragedy of Jamie passing was also a catalyst for me to step up” – Part 2 with Shayne Wallace, on how she found a path to healing following her teenage son’s tragic death
Aug 01, 2021Before I launch into this week’s episode, quick reminder that if you love Spirit Sisters, it would be wonderful if you could write a review and leave a five-star rating, this will ensure that others who may need to hear the stories of wonder, hope and healing we share here will find their way to the show.
Now, this week is the conclusion of my conversation with Shayne Wallace, whose story I first told in my book Spirit Sisters more than a decade ago. Shayne’s son Jamie tragically died at age 16 in 2007. If you haven’t listened to part one, please scroll down to episode 50 and listen to that first.
Today, in part two, Shayne takes us full circle, sharing more about the ways Jamie lets her and his loved ones know he’s with them, the way he’s taken on a “guardian” role for his family, including the day he saved Shayne from a terrifying would-be carjacker, that’s a cracker of a story, and, powerfully, Shayne talks candidly about the journey of healing she’s been on since losing her boy.
Our conversation embraces what Shayne’s learned about self-forgiveness, the importance of being kinder to herself and what she’s come to understand about the pivotal role Jamie’s passing played in leading her to break the pattern of inter-generational trauma that had poisoned her family tree.
Stick around until the end as Shayne, who’s considering becoming a grief counsellor, offers hard-learnt, heartfelt, words of wisdom for parents grieving the loss of a child.
Enjoy my conversation with the generous, humble and insightful Shayne Wallace.
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
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Jamie's Return - Hours after her teenage son's tragic death, his grieving mum Shayne watched him walk into their yard. "Mate," she sobbed. "I need to tell you that you've died."
Jul 19, 2021Today’s episode marks episode 50 of Spirit Sisters the Podcast, and I’m happy to say I have the perfect guest to mark the milestone. Shayne Wallace, who lives with her family in Perth, WA, is one of the original voices from Spirit Sisters, the book.
On the frigid night of June 1, 2007, beneath a full moon, mother-of-three Shayne’s eldest son, Jamie, 16, was killed in a motorbike accident. It’s what happened in the hours that followed that makes Shayne’s story one of the most unforgettable in my body of work.
Shayne’s story is heartbreaking, moving and tragic, yet ultimately uplifting, and it’s very gratifying for me to know that it’s only through interviewing Shayne again for this podcast, 12 years after the book’s release, that I was able to discover this last piece of her story – the piece about growth, healing and the altering of ancestral patterns.
Shayne and I had so much to catch up on that we recorded two episodes. I’m honoured to present part one today of my reunion with Shayne, whose story featured in a chapter in Spirit Sisters called The Fiercest Loss. I named it that because I was so inspired by my conversations with these courageous mothers who’d survived the unbearable. And yet, while their pain is fierce, fiercer yet is their enduring love.
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
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On Wings of Love - a breathtaking story of after-death communication
Jun 20, 2021Today’s episode is a beautiful reminder of our interconnectedness, of bonds that can never be broken and of the ultimate indestructibility of love.
My guest today is Texas-based lawyer MaryAnn Jones. MaryAnn grew up in a bi-cultural family – her mum is an immigrant from Costa Rica and her dad is American with Italian, Swedish, and Anglo ancestry. MaryAnn says her mum's side “is the typical Latin family with lots of family parties where everyone dances and speaking of God and the supernatural was something that occurred in almost every conversation,” which is something I personally relate to. I present that as background to the story MaryAnn is sharing with us today, which hinges a lot on how her Catholic faith anchored her in the midst of deepest grief.
MaryAnn and her husband, Timothy, are the parents of two beautiful daughters, Arya and Sapphire. Tragically, Sapphire, who struggled with depression and anxiety, passed away at the age of 19 in 2017. Today, you’re going to hear MaryAnn speak very candidly about the devastating loss of Sapphire, and about how leaning on her Catholic faith sustained her during the hardest moments.
Amidst the pain, there were signs from Sapphire and amazing synchronicities, and MaryAnn talks all about these in our conversation. One moment in particular stands out: a couple of months after Sapphire’s death, something happened as the family gathered in their backyard to bury their beloved dog, Sparky. What took place defies rational explanation, and to MaryAnn, this precious event was a clear message from Sapphire that not only was she well and happy, but that she had Sparky with her, safe and sound.
Keep an eye on my Facebook and Instagram pages, as I’ll be posting a picture of one of these miraculous feathers, as well as gorgeous pics of Sapphire and her family. MaryAnn has also sent me a very moving video that Arya put together to honour her sister’s birthday on June 15. It features Sapphire singing and is something very, very special, and I’m honoured to be able to share it with you.
Please note that this episode references self-harm and suicide. If you are struggling with your mental health, please contact Lifeline in Australia on 13 11 14, and if you’re outside of Australia please do seek out support services in your area.
Enjoy my conversation with MaryAnn Jones, sharing the story of how her lovely daughter, Sapphire, returned to her family on wings of love.
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
Connect with Karina on Instagram.

"I hear the leaves laughing" - Part 2 with Crisdon Chaisson, on the gifts of her NDE
May 22, 2021Part two of my intriguing conversation with Canadian near-death experiencer Crisdon Chaisson.
If you haven’t yet listened to part one of my conversation with Crisdon, you’ll want to scroll back and press play on that episode first, so that you can listen to Crisdon recount every fascinating detail of her 2003 NDE, a captivating story which, I’m honoured to say, she is sharing publicly for the first time.
In this episode, Crisdon talks about the challenges of integrating her experience upon her return to life, the gifts she came back with, her communication with plants and animals, astral travel and lucid dreaming, the “downloads” from the Collective that she continues to receive, and so much more. It’s a deep dive. As Crisdon says, the awakening of consciousness is not merely “a revolution, but the next evolution” of humanity.
Now, without further ado, here’s part two of my conversation with near-death experiencer, mother of three, death doula and all round fabulous woman, Crisdon Chaisson.
Connect with Crisdon on Instagram at @sin_crow_nice_eye_tea
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
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"I'm not the same person I was before I died" - Crisdon Chaisson shares her remarkable 2003 NDE for the first time
May 09, 2021I'm thrilled to present the first of a two-part interview with Crisdon Chaisson, who lives in Canada and, I’m very honoured to say, is sharing her near-death experience publicly for the first time.
Crisdon’s NDE took place in 2003, when she was receiving treatment for a rare form of cancer in the jaw. As you’re about to hear, Crisdon describes her NDE in exquisite detail, and in this conversation, she shares about peeling away from her body “like cheese from a pizza,” travelling to a realm of indescribable colour, being at one with The Collective, as Crisdon calls the state of consciousness she experienced, her life review, and much much more.
Today, Crisdon is training to become a death doula, so that she can apply her unique skills and understanding in the field of end-of-life care. There’s much more to this warm, wise and feisty woman, and when I asked her to share a short bio, she cleverly asked her friends to chime in. It turned out to be such a valuable exercise, she suggests we all do it.
Here are all their responses.
“Crisdon is a tattooed, potion making, nature loving, spell casting, matrix glitching, animal communicating, spirit guiding, joke telling, barefoot walking, reiki giving, vegan kitchen witch.”
“Crisdon is a spiritual gangStar. Warrior goddess. astral traveler, metaphysical explorer and lover of all.”
“An effervescent soul with a smile to match.”
“A miracle”
“Beautiful,magnificent,courageous,brave, adventurous, magickal, hippy, LOVING star soul sister”
“A strong, independent woman with a fire spirit!”
“Always in flux like an animated fractal unfoldment”
“A strong, beautiful, courageous, generous survivor!”
“A soul-fuelled endless dungeon, draped with insatiable cloaks of wildflowers, edges trimmed with shards of everlasting crystals, with a sea-filled charismatic aura”
“Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” (3 friends said that about their friendship with Crisdon)
"Intelligent, compassionate, humble, and actual good person, completely trustworthy, organized, and absolutely hilarious!!”
Sums up Crisdon: “As I said, every person should create a bio written by people who love them.”
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
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Angels in the OR - How Tricia Barker's miraculous NDE healed her body and soul
Apr 12, 2021My guest today is Tricia Barker, who experienced a profound near-death experience in 1994 when she was 22, in her senior year of university. A point of difference with Tricia’s NDE is that it guided her very specifically to her life’s work, albeit kicking and screaming at first, to become a teacher in public schools, overseas and at university level. Today, she’s a professor of English and Creative Writing in Fort Worth, Texas.
The author of the memoir Angels in the OR: What Dying Taught Me About Healing, Survival, and Transformation, Tricia interviews fellow near-death experiencers on her YouTube channel. I had a fantastic time speaking to Tricia, who shares candidly about the trauma that followed her NDE, including a sexual assault she experienced while teaching in South Korea. If this topic is upsetting, and you’re in Australia, please contact 1800Respect.org.au or call them 24 hours a day on 1800 737 732. If you are in another country, please ensure you seek out appropriate support services in your area.
Enjoy my conversation with near-death experiencer Tricia Barker.
Connect with Tricia at her website.
Buy Tricia’s book Angels in the Or on Amazon.
Subscribe to Tricia’s YouTube channel.
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
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Cold Hands, Warm Heart - A ghost story you'll never forget
Mar 28, 2021My guest today has a chilling ghost story to share about an unforgettable chain of events that took place in 1969, when she was 12 years old and living with her family in the western suburbs of Melbourne. This is a memorable story because it demonstrates that, in an otherworldly encounter, as much as in everyday life, things aren’t always as they might at first appear…
Today Coral lives on the Sunshine Coast in Qld with her husband, adult son and two fur babies. Before her retirement, she worked in Childcare and in Financial Services. Yet when I think of Coral, I think “survivor,” and when you hear her story, you’ll know why. Coral’s captivating ghost story takes a turn that I was not expecting, into the devastation wreaked by domestic violence. Please note that her account contains graphic descriptions of violence inflicted upon her mother. If you are experiencing or have experienced domestic or family violence, please contact the Australian counselling service 1800Respect.org.au or call them 24 hours a day on 1800 737 732.
In 1969, there were no support services available to Coral, her mum or her three siblings. All lived in the midst of a war zone every day and with the exception of her maternal grandparents, who offered brief moments of respite, no-one came to their aid. Well, no-one living, that is.
By turns wondrous, horrific, fascinating and tragic, Coral’s story is about the courage it takes to hope in the face of deepest darkness, and the strength and resilience that yields. It’s also about the rewards of looking for answers outside of the obvious, and ultimately, about compassion and care strong enough to pierce the veil between life and death.
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
Connect with Karina on Facebook.
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Into the Ethereal - Before his heart transplant, Rob's NDE gave the answers to everything
Mar 07, 2021Karina Machado welcomes a one-of-a-kind guest, a two-time near-death experiencer who’s also a heart-transplant recipient.
Rob A. Gentile is the son of Italian immigrants. He grew up in Pennsylvania, where his father worked in a steel mill. Rob also works in the steel industry, as a sales rep, and he’s been married to Melanie for more than thirty years. Together they’ve devoted themselves to their daughter with special needs, Maria, who is in her twenties and has Rett Syndrome. Rob calls Maria “the hero of my life” and tells me in our conversation that she’s his greatest teacher. Yet throughout her childhood he grappled with difficult questions about why children suffer. Answers came in a sudden and unexpected way—at age fifty-six he had a massive heart attack, then flatlined, and had a near-death experience. Four months later, while awaiting his donor heart, he had another NDE – a profound and powerful encounter that transformed Rob’s life.
Rob came back with beautiful and profound understandings about the cosmically unified nature of God and reality, which he shares in his newly released book, Quarks of Light, which also details the fascinating story of how Rob met the family of Molli, the young woman who donated her heart, and the many synchronicities between them. Getting to know Molli, whose heart beats within him, has compelled Rob to help raise awareness of suicide prevention. Rob’s story includes references to suicide; if you need support, in Australia, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14.
For now, please settle in to enjoy my conversation with Rob A Gentile. There’s so much he shares, from knowledge he gained about our ultimate unity and interconnectedness, to his life-changing understanding about the power of a single act, and a timely reminder about the significance of our relationships, this is one episode that might just give you a new heart, too.
Connect with Rob at his website.
Buy Rob’s new book, Quarks of Light on Amazon in Australia.
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The Path of Healing and Service - Part 2 of how the Light transformed Evania's life
Feb 15, 2021Here's part two of Karina Machado's conversation with the trail-blazing Australian former Olympic pistol shooter Evania. If you haven’t listened to part one, please scroll down and click on that first so that you grasp the full breadth of Evania’s life story. In this episode, she goes into more depth about her plans to run for federal parliament, and how that ties in with her aim to “expand her service to humanity.” She shares her key mantra, which ties in beautifully with her life-changing encounter with the light, and we talk about how it’s time for women leaders to fearlessly bring through the energy of the Divine Feminine. There’s also a very moving story Evania shares about healing childhood trauma and how looking after her parents when they had dementia was like being gifted the children she never had. At the end, Evania shares her key takeaway from her immersion in the Light, you won’t want to miss that!
Enjoy the episode. (PS: If you love Spirit Sisters, please rate and review the show, it helps more people find their way to it. Thanks!)
Connect with Evania and buy her novel When the Student is Ready at her website.
Connect with Evania at her ‘Evania for Senate’ Facebook page.
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"This experience became my lantern" - After losing everything, Evania had a life-changing encounter with the Light
Feb 07, 2021Born Lynne-Marie Uden in South Australia, my guest changed her name to Evania in 1995. More on that later ... Evania has blazed a trail in so many areas of her life; a former police officer in South Australia, she went on to work for the United Nations in Vienna in Security & Safety services and later, became the first female sports reporter in Queensland.
As she hit career highs, Evania was also going from strength to strength in her sport: pistol shooting, which culminated in her representing Australia at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona, the only woman on the shooting team. But what should have been one of the joyous moments of her life was overshadowed by what happened when she returned from the Games. As Evania puts it, her whole life caved in and she lost everything, husband, possessions, cars businesses, the lot.
Then on December 12 of that year, 1992, Evania had a spiritual experience that transformed the course of her life. The effects of that unexpected gift were so staggering that nothing was ever the same again.
Enjoy part one of my two-part conversation with the inspiring Evania.
Connect with Evania and buy her books at her website.
Follow Evania's bid for senate at her ‘Evania for Senate’ Facebook page.
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The Lost Children – the tiny girl with sad eyes who materialised in Danielle’s bedroom proved to be just one of the little lost souls pleading for her help to find their way home
Jan 17, 2021Today, I have someone very special to introduce you to, my friend Danielle. Dani, who’s become a beloved mentor to me, is a retired medical administrator in the field of palliative care. She’s a quiet and super caring soul with an extraordinary gift - Dani has been seeing and communicating with spirits all her life.
Dani and I met over email three years ago, after she heard me on a radio interview and reached out to share her joy at feeling, finally, that she’s not alone in experiencing the spiritual encounters she’d been having since she was five.
You’re about to hear some fascinating stories. From the tiny spirit of a little girl lost called Annabelle who showed up in Dani’s home, pleading for help, to the ongoing, detailed dream visions about high-profile missing children, that together encompass a prominent theme in Dani’s life. “I’m always looking for home,” Dani tells me, and so, of course, are these blessed children. What is it that draws these lost children to Dani? We talk about that too…
Dani shares her thoughts about how grief can hold our late loved ones back, about her lifelong fascination with native American culture and the past life in that time that she and her beloved dad lived together. She reveals the very moving story of the crisis apparition of her dear friend, Emmanuel, who manifested in her bedroom at the moment of his passing to let her know he was ok, and she also talks candidly about her recent journey with breast cancer and the unexpected beauty and blessings she found as she and her husband walked that rocky path together.
There’s so much more. I encourage you to stick around to the end as Dani shares some parting words that will impact you deeply.
Finally, as tends to happen when I interview psychic-mediums, for most of the conversation you will be able to hear what sounds like another conversation going on in the background. Both Dani and I were alone in our homes during the recording, with no TVs on nearby. Intriguing indeed… oh, and don’t forget to check Facebook, where I’ll posting pics relating to the uncanny moments Dani describes.
For now, settle in and enjoy my conversation with one of my own dearest spirit sisters…
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
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Holiday interlude! I read out an astounding near-death experience from my archives
Jan 05, 2021Happy new year and welcome to the (Australian) summer-holiday edition of Spirit Sisters. I’m taking a short break and will be back very soon to share a wonderful conversation with someone extraordinarily gifted, which I know you’re going to love. I’m also planning the recording schedule for the new year, and corresponding with lots of incredible people, I can’t wait to bring you these conversations. On that note, if you have a story to share, please get in touch with me via email or via direct message on my Facebook page . I’m always excited to think of all the amazing untold stories that are out there.
Speaking of amazing stories, I have a treat for you. I’m going to read out a letter I received when I researching my book Spirit Sisters in 2008. The letter is about a near-death experience, although the writer refers to it as an OBE or out-of-body experience. The label doesn’t matter, because what you’re about to hear is a firsthand account of a profound and life-changing moment in the life of my correspondent, Sandra James. I should point out that prior to relating her memory of this otherworldly encounter, she leads into it with an account of an earlier near-death experience during surgery. Though less spectacular, this was also clearly important to the trajectory of Sandra’s story, so I’ve included it in the telling.
Sandra’s story, which is as tragic as it’s beautiful, was published in Spirit Sisters under the title The View From There and to this day it’s one of my all-time favourites. I’ve actually been looking for Sandra as I’d love to have her on the show, but I’ve had no luck finding her. Sandra, if you’re out there, please do get in touch!
If you’re lucky enough to be enjoying some holiday downtime, check out the show notes too, as I’ve included links to some popular episodes of Spirit Sisters, and also some of my favourite episodes of my previous podcast, The Ghost Files. I know that many of you really miss The Ghost Files, so I thought today I’d rekindle that spooky spark by reminding you of some of the chilling and wonderful conversations I enjoyed when I was hosting that show. As I’d often say back then, get ready for goosebumps…
If you’re in the mood for chills…
If you need a reminder that love never dies….
If you’re craving stories of miraculous encounters…
If you want to hear about an astounding near-death experience …
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"We need to learn that we don't die" - soulmates Ana & Jorge's exciting "new" chapter
Dec 21, 2020Karina Machado speaks with Spanish-born Sydneysider Jorge Golvano. On June 11, 2020, Jorge’s soul mate Ana died of breast cancer. Her "transformation," as Jorge calls it, opened the way to an entirely new existence for Jorge, an IT specialist who had no prior interest whatsoever in spiritual matters. In fact, he still says he’s not spiritual, even though he has conversations with Ana every day, and Ana cleverly makes use of electronic equipment to communicate as she understands that’s a medium Jorge is comfortable with.
It’s an intriguing and life-affirming story which includes an amazing evidential story involving a strand of Ana's hair, among many other communications from her. Suffice to say that their enduring love is another beautiful example of how, as Jorge succinctly puts it, “we never stop being.”
Oh, and one more thing. It was Ana who wanted Jorge to come on the show. In a Spirit Sisters first, she even orchestrated phenomena in my home that, in retrospect, we worked out was her way of green-lighting our conversation. Enjoy my conversation with Jorge Golvano.
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
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Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
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Dancing in the Light of Love - the healing power of a spiritual reunion
Dec 06, 2020My guest today is Honey Booth, a musician who’s studying to be a counsellor, who lives in Western Australia. As soon as I read her email, I wanted to bring Honey on the show because her story about her bond with her mother that has only strengthened and deepened following her passing is one that I know will resonate with so many of you. This is especially true if you love or have loved someone who struggles with mental illness. Honey’s mum, Julie, passed away in 2016 aged only 50.
Yet death proved the gateway to a beautiful new relationship for Honey and her mum, the kind of relationship that was not available to them in real life. I hope you enjoy this episode, in which Honey and I discuss compassion, forgiveness, self-forgiveness, cycles of trauma and much more, including the extraordinary spiritual experience which sparked a profound healing.
Listen to Honey sing a raw version of her song, "Gardening the Constellations," written for her mum.
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
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Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
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"With any rising, there's pain" - Part two of how spiritually transformative experiences healed Linda's life
Nov 15, 2020Here’s part two of my interview with Perth-based poet and artist Linda Cull, who last week told us about the amazing series of spiritually transformative experiences she began at age 16, including an astonishing encounter with an immensely loving divine Light. If you haven’t yet listened to part one, I encourage you to scroll down and tune in to that first, so that you grasp her whole story. In this episode, Linda tells us about her return to the light and how her creativity flourished afterward. She also talks about the challenges she experienced sharing her story and the “earth-shattering revelation” that followed.
Towards the end of our conversation, Linda also tells us about an astounding mystical vision of Mother Mary and her insights on the power of prayer. There’s so much here.
If you want to see some of the inspired art that Linda created following her encounters with the Light, I'll be posting those on Facebook and Instagram (links are in the show notes).
Enjoy the show!
Connect with Linda Cull at her website.
Buy Linda’s book of poetry, When Eve Walked.
Buy Linda’s memoir, Where the Light Lives.
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
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"I knew the Light was God" - Part one of Linda Cull's astounding story of transformation and healing
Nov 07, 2020Today, my guest is Linda Cull, who lives in Perth, Western Australia. Linda is a visionary artist and the author of the memoir Where The Light Lives: A True Story about Death, Grief and Transformation and she’s also just released a poetry collection called When Eve Walked. Linda is the founder of Wilara Press and the blog Spirit my way, covering spirituality, inspired creativity, and transformative experiences at lindacull.com.
Throughout her twenties and thirties, Linda experienced spiritual reality many times. She encountered God, angels, spirit beings, late loved ones and religious figures, and experienced many remarkable states of consciousness that culminated in profound healing and transformation of her life.
Talking with Linda, I was in awe of her absolutely amazing experiences, which share traits in common with the near-death experience. I know you’re going to draw so much from this episode, the first of a two-part interview.
Quick note, Linda’s story includes mention of suicidal thoughts. If you need support, contact Lifeline on 13 11 14.
Enjoy my conversation with the wonderful – and I mean that in the truest sense – Linda Cull.
Connect with Linda Cull at her website.
Buy Linda’s book of poetry, When Eve Walked.
Buy Linda’s memoir, Where the Light Lives.
Connect with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
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Chantal's Haunted Life - Bonus Halloween Episode
Nov 01, 2020Welcome to the final episode in our special Halloween series on Spirit Sisters the Podcast. If you’ve missed the first two bonus episodes of virtual fireside conversations about haunted houses, scroll down and check out my two interviews with Ben and Liz. So far, we’ve heard about a storybook-pretty, yet ominous, house in Pennsylvania, and a family home in a harbourside suburb of Sydney that the original inhabitants were reluctant to leave … today, we’re travelling to Quebec, Canada. My guest, Chantal Lalonde-Coudriau, has always sensed the spirit world, which means that she has more than one haunted house story to share with us.
I think you’re going to really enjoy out chat. It’s goosebumps galore, too, so settle in…
Connect with Karina Machado at the new and updated karinamachado.com
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The Others - from the moment they moved in, Liz knew they weren't alone
Oct 29, 2020Welcome to another bonus episode of Spirit Sisters the Podcast. This is part two in our special haunted house series of virtual fireside conversations airing in the lead up to Halloween. My guest today is Liz Mutkins, who shares a story about the home she grew up in in Sydney’s north. What I love about this story is how it carves out a slice of the past, and returns it to us, intact with the people who once lived it, though today we call them ghosts. We might ask though, who’s haunting who?
Connect with Karina Machado at the new and updated karinamachado.com
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Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
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What Ben Saw in the Basement - Part 1 in a special Halloween series about haunted houses
Oct 24, 2020Welcome to the first in a special series of haunted-house themed episodes of Spirit Sisters the Podcast, which I’ll be airing in the lead-up to Halloween.
Karina Machado speaks to Ben Atkins. Ben lives with his wife in South Australia, where he works as a manager in the wholesale electrical industry. Ben and his family moved from the US to Mount Gambier in 2009, when he was 16. Ben's story revolves around his beautiful, but oh so eerie, childhood home in Pennsylvania, just a few minutes’ drive from Gettysburg, the site of an 1863 battle which marked a turning point in the US Civil War. Up to 51,000 soldiers from both the Union and Confederate sides are estimated to have died in the bloody Battle of Gettysburg.
Ben’s family home was literally built on blood-soaked land… Please note that during the interview, Ben mentions an artwork which drew the attention of the spirits in the home. When we spoke, Ben didn’t know what the artwork depicted, but he’s since found out it was an image of Jesus on the Cross.
Here’s Ben Atkins with the first in our haunted-house series for Halloween.
Connect with Karina Machado at the new and updated karinamachado.com
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"I know my sister's spirit lives on"
Oct 16, 2020On this week’s episode, Karina Machado welcomes back an original interviewee from her book Spirit Sisters. My guest is Sharon Eckhardt, whose story about communicating with the spirit of her teenaged sister following her tragic death features in the chapter called Love After Death. It’s a story that, in a sense, is the beating heart of my work, because in its quiet, humble way, it shares the truth that our spirits are eternal. I think that many of you will be able to relate to the experiences Sharon shares.
If you’d like to read Sharon’s story in my book, pick up a copy of the 10th anniversary of Spirit Sisters, published earlier this year, at your favourite book store, or there are links to the ebook and audio version in the show notes.
Sharon is a mother of four who lives in Albury, NSW, where she works as a food and hospitality technician at a local high school. It was lovely to meet her face to face, via Zoom, for the first time. The shock of losing her younger sister scarred Sharon, but one thing brought her of peace: the knowledge that Mandy’s spirit lives on, as she’s about to tell us. Enjoy my conversation with Sharon Eckhardt, one of the original voices in Spirit Sisters.
Connect with Karina Machado at the new and updated karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
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The lawyer who channels a team of spirits - the extraordinary story of how Alicia came out of the spiritual closet
Sep 25, 2020Karina Machado speaks with Alicia Dumais Temmerman. Alicia, who lives in Melbourne, is an Energy-Healer Coach, Relationship Coach, lawyer, speaker, author and the founder of The Global Soul Centre. She's also a mum of four.
Alicia’s soul mission is to help people connect back to their souls and help them understand the Laws of Energy - to learn how to boost, clear, nourish, charge and protect their energy, which she calls “our most valuable commodity.”
All these beautiful and practical teachings come courtesy of a team of ascended masters, who speak through Alicia via direct-voice channelling. The story behind how the channelling first began in 2012, when Alicia was a frazzled and exhausted workaholic, is unforgettable, and in this episode, Alicia dives deep into what was going on in her life prior to that moment, and her six-year struggle to accept and incorporate the channelling, which was quite confronting for herself and loved ones, into her life, to “come out of the spiritual closet.”
Alicia tells us why she’s on a mission to help us remember who we are, and tells us all about the different guides who share their wisdom through her. She also reveals how as a lawyer, she was on a quest for evidence to validate what she was experiencing, and the mind-blowing revelation that finally convinced her.
Alicia talks about the power of intention, shares lots of tips to raise our frequency and cope with energy zappers and discusses forgiveness as the most powerful way to restore our energy leaks and imbalances. Make sure you stick around to the end when Alicia offers some wonderful insights into the spiritual significance of 2020 and Covid-19, and reveals the ultimate importance of self-love and self-acceptance.
This is a really jam-packed episode, you might want to make notes. Enjoy my conversation with the wonderful Alicia Dumais Temmerman, a true ambassador for “women healing women.”
Visit Alicia’s website to learn more about her work and book, Pure Energy http://www.aliciatemmerman.com
Learn more about The Global Soul Centre https://www.globalsoulcentre.com
Join the Facebook group, Breathe Love Laugh FB, where Alicia shares her channelling and more Facebook Groups
Join the Facebook group THRIVE, to access free online women's wellness classes Facebook Groups
Connect with Karina Machado at the new and updated karinamachado.com
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Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
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The death-defying power of love - how little Tom returned to comfort his mum after tragedy struck
Sep 05, 2020Karina Machado speaks with the courageous and open-hearted Michelle McLaughlin, a nurse and mother of three from Sydney who shares a very moving story about the after-life contact she had with her gorgeous little boy, Tom, who was 4 when he tragically passed away in a road accident in 2014. His loss led to Michelle launching The Little Blue Dinosaur Foundation, in honour of her beautiful boy and as a means to prevent further tragedies of the kind that took Tom’s life.
In our conversation, Michelle talks openly about the profound spiritual experience involving her late grandfather on the morning of Tom’s death, about the spirit encounters Tom himself reported in the months leading up to the accident, and the many ways he offered precious signs of his presence afterward. Notably, this includes the time Michelle woke up and saw Tom by her bedside, looking solid as life.
There’s also a wonderful story about a dream Tom’s sister, Sophie, had, a couple of months after he passed, which, as the then-seven-year-old told her mum, made her feel good.
My hope is that this episode helps to lift your spirits too, especially if you too have lost a child and are familiar with the kind of grief Michelle takes us into in such a raw way in this conversation. Remember, if you need support, you can contact Lifeline in Australia on 13 11 14.
Ultimately, this is a life-affirming story about the bonds of family and the death-defying power of love.
Learn more about Michelle’s foundation, Little Blue Dinosaur at the website.
Visit Little Blue Dinosaur on Facebook.
Email Michelle at [email protected]
“I Carry Your Heart,” the poem by E.E. Cummings that Michelle discusses.
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The Light, the Beings and the Life Review – Part 2 with psychic-medium Lynda Cramer, and her amazing near-death experience
Aug 15, 2020In part two of a double episode featuring Brisbane author and psychic-medium Dr Lynda Cramer, Karina Machado speaks to Lynda about her amazing near-death experience.
If you haven’t listened to part one yet, I encourage to scroll down to the episode below this one and press play to hear Lynda sharing all about her experiences with ghosts, spirits, phone calls from Heaven, and much more.
As I mentioned in the introduction to that episode, that show was full of unexplained sounds, chatter and other anomalies, almost as if an alternative conversation was going on in the background to ours. This episode is no different, as you’re about to find out.
What really counts, however, is the story Lynda shares about her near-death experience in 2001. There’s so much to this: from her understanding of the oneness that underpins all life as she spent time in a majestic landscape she calls Home, to her intricately detailed life review and meeting with a trio of light beings as well as an ancestor who was something of a kindred spirit. Stay tuned until the end as Lynda shares her understanding about what really matters in life, and how to bring Heaven to Earth.
Lynda also shares candidly about the challenges she’s faced in her life, including domestic violence. If you’re experiencing domestic or family violence, please call the national free counselling service 1800RESPECT or visit their website, 1800respect.org.au.
Buy Lynda's books at her website.
Connect with Lynda on Facebook.
Join Lynda's Paranormal Group on Facebook.
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Connect with Karina Machado at the new and updated karinamachado.com
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"My life is like The Sixth Sense" - Psychic-medium Lynda Cramer lives among the dead
Aug 02, 2020Today’s show is the first of a double episode which I believe you’re going to love. My guest is Dr Lynda Cramer, PhD in Metaphysics. Lynda is an author, psychic-medium and near-death experiencer from Brisbane, Australia. She’s been seeing and communicating with ghosts and spirits since she was a toddler.
I spent an enjoyable and enlightening couple of hours with Lynda talking about ghosts, spirits, phone calls from Heaven, the purpose of life and her wonderfully detailed near-death experience. As we talked, I noticed something that no doubt you will pick up on as well: there seemed to be another conversation going on beneath ours.
Calling all experts, or even dabblers, in EVP – electronic voice phenomena – I want to hear your thoughts on this intriguing double episode, because it’s right through both.
As exciting as all of that is though, I hope it doesn’t distract you from the topics Lynda covers here, which took me back to my earliest fascination with the spirit world and the question of ghosts. Did you know that the expression on a ghost’s face is usually utter astonishment that someone has seen them? Here’s Lynda to tell you about that, as well as the many encounters she’s had over the years with people who’ve crossed over yet refuse to accept that their time on earth has come to an end. Always, she responds to them with respect and compassion.
Buy Lynda's books at her website.
Connect with Lynda on Facebook.
Join Lynda's Paranormal Group on Facebook.
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Connect with Karina Machado at the new and updated karinamachado.com
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Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.
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"She was the angel of death and birth": Jo's NDE, miraculous healing and stunning past-life revelations
Jul 12, 2020Karina Machado speaks with Josephine Martorana-Nicotra, a spiritual light worker, tarot counsellor and healer who lives in Sydney. I met Jo at a meeting of IANDS, the international association of near-death studies. She began to share a little of her story with me and I was absolutely stunned by what I was hearing.
Jo shares an astounding story that encompasses a near-death experience, an angelic visitation, past-life revelations, a miraculous physical healing and much more. Jo’s NDE was the culmination of a severe illness she developed as part of PTSD caused by a traumatic incident that took place while she was studying for her PhD in Science Education.
This near-death experience is unlike any I’ve ever heard or read about, and its ramifications are still unfolding, 22 years later, with the most recent piece of the puzzle falling into place last year. I’m beyond excited to introduce Josephine. If you’re fascinated by the idea of past lives, this episode for you.
Contact Josephine at Jo's Harmony Healing: 0490 215 549
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Connect with Karina Machado at the new and updated karinamachado.com
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.

"The angels were singing love into the world" - Susan reveals the lessons of her astonishing NDE
Jun 23, 2020Settle in to listen to one of the most intriguing near-death experience stories you’ve ever come across. My guest is Susan Redwine, from Franklin, North Carolina. I first came across Susan on a Facebook page about near-death experiences. To me, her posts seemed infused with something otherworldly, and I later found out that indeed mystical poetry was one of the gifts she came back with following her NDE.
Susan's multi-faceted and hauntingly beautiful near-death experience came at a time in her life when she was at her absolute lowest. In our conversation, she shares all about the point of absolute surrender that triggered her journey "Home", entering "the Void," meeting the soul group whose transmission of love helped her heal. Susan speaks about her "Book of Sorrows," the River of Life, the Music of the Spheres, seeing her past lives and pre-birth planning ceremony, the message for humanity from the angels, plus so much more!
Please note that Susan's story contains references to suicide, family violence and sexual abuse. If you need support, please contact Lifeline in Australia on 13 11 14. If you or someone you know is experiencing family violence, phone 1800 RESPECT, in Australia, or visit 1800respect.org.au.
Connect with Susan Redwine on Facebook.
Connect with Karina Machado at the new and updated karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.

The Light in the Darkness - Part 2 of how God's messages sustained Sonia through horrific trauma
Jun 09, 2020Today’s episode is the conclusion of my two-part interview with Sonia St. Claire. If you haven’t listened to part one yet, it's worth starting there. To briefly recap, when Sonia and her twin sister Sandra were babies, their mother handed them over to the first of five orphanages the girls would live in until age 14, when Sonia almost died in the nuns’ care, leading to a profound NDE. The girls suffered physical and sexual abuse all their young lives, and sadly, the abuse followed them into adulthood as well.
Throughout, however, Sonia never lost her connection to the divine; an ongoing conversation which she’s written about in her book, God’s Messages, which documents a lifetime of guidance and hope she’s received, even during the darkest times. In this conversation, Sonia shares more about the healing effects of meeting her mother’s spirit, and tells us about her encounter with her late brother's spirit when she was a teen. She shares about meeting God in a profound meditation, her thoughts on the ripple effects of our energy and the immense power of prayer. At the end, she offers a heartfelt message for anyone who’s suffered as she has.
This is the harrowing story of one courageous woman and some details may be upsetting. This episode mentions suicide; if you need support please contact Lifeline in Australia on 13 11 14. The organisation Knowmore also offers free legal advice and support to survivors of institutional child sexual abuse. Please visit knowmore.org.au or call them on 1800 605 762. If you or someone you know is experiencing family violence, phone 1800 RESPECT, in Australia, or visit 1800respect.org.au.
Finally, I’m dedicating this episode to the children who’ve died in institutional care in Australia and around the world. We don’t know their names but they are not forgotten. The episode picks up as Sonia reveals more about the fascinating, extended reunion with her mother’s spirit that offered an opening into forgiveness and healing.
Email Sonia at [email protected] to inquire about purchasing her book God's Messages.
Connect with Karina Machado at the new and updated karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.

The Light in the Darkness - How messages from God sustained Sonia through horrific trauma
May 29, 2020In part one of a two-part interview, Karina Machado speaks with Sonia St. Claire. Sonia, who lives in Queensland, Australia, is the author of the 2014 memoir The Girl in the Locker. When Sonia and her twin sister Sandra were three months old, their mother gave them up to an orphanage. That was the first of five orphanages the girls lived in up until they were 14, when Sonia fell ill and had a near-death experience. After this, the sisters, who’d suffered horrific abuse all their young lives at the hands of adults who were supposed to look after them, were returned to their mother. This only launched a new chapter of pain and trauma.
Yet, throughout unimaginable horrors in childhood and into her adult life, Sonia never lost her connection to the divine, which she calls God. If you’re uncomfortable with that term, I encourage you to rename it Love, Life, Source, or anything else, but keep on listening, as Sonia’s experiences are testament to the healing and sustaining power of remembering our spiritual spark. In her most recent book, God’s Messages, Sonia shares a lifetime of stories about her ongoing conversation with the Divine, and the hope it’s brought, even during the darkest times.
This is the harrowing story of a very courageous woman. Please note, it mentions physical and sexual abuse, and domestic violence. If any of this raises issues for you, you can call Lifeline in Australia on 13 11 14. The organisation Knowmore also offers free legal advice and support to survivors of institutional child sexual abuse. Please visit knowmore.org.au or call them on 1800 605 762.
Email Sonia at [email protected] to inquire about purchasing her book God's Messages.
Connect with Karina Machado at the new and updated karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.

"I was on the human hamster wheel" - how Theresa's NDE transformed her life
May 16, 2020Karina Machado speaks with Theresa Byrne, a martial-arts and self-defence expert living in Colorado, whose near-death experience in 2014 following a hit-and-run impacted every facet of her life. From the physical after-effects of a Traumatic Brain injury, to the spiritual inquiry sparked by the NDE, and being diagnosed with PTSD, depression and anxiety, Theresa had a lot to cope with during her two-year recovery. Her experiences led eventually to her acclaimed TED X Talk, The Danger of Your Inner Bully.
I so enjoyed my conversation with Theresa. We spoke about the two prayers she spontaneously uttered as her car was about to collide with a brick wall, the ineffable peace she felt in a "grey" place, the life review that showed her she was on a "human hamster wheel" and never stopped to appreciate the good she'd done for others, how our thoughts and words are so powerful, the answer she received when she asked about "the name of God" and the importance of fulfilling our soul's mission in a self-honouring way. Plus, so much more!
As her story unfolded, I found much I could relate to, and learn from, and I think you will too. Stick around to the end when she shares three of the most powerful takeaways from her life-changing near-death experience.
Connect with Theresa at her website.
Watch her TED X talk, The Danger of Your Inner Bully
Connect with Karina Machado at the new and updated karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.

When Courtney met Krishna - channelling the Hindu deity, and his chilling warning about 2020
Apr 26, 2020My guest, Courtney Beck, has an utterly fascinating story that incorporates many timely gems of wisdom regarding the current pandemic. For Courtney, a dark night of the soul led to a spiritual awakening that completely overhauled her life. Courtney went from being a strategist in the highest echelons of the corporate world, to a healer, coach and channel for the Hindu deity Krishna. That bond between them led to the channelled book, Conversations with Krishna, the first of three books they would publish together. Here's part of Courtney’s bio:
"Courtney Beck appeared to have it all. She worked in advertising as a well- respected and well-paid strategist for some of the world's top brands and after years of climbing the corporate ranks, Courtney finally attained her dream position. She had a wonderful family, a close circle of friends and lived in a beautiful home by the water on Sydney harbour.
Just shy of Courtney's thirty-fifth birthday and only two months into the role she had worked her entire career to land, she experienced what those in the spiritual world know as “The Dark Night of the Soul,” a time of unexpected and unplanned deep introspection when we question our very purpose here on earth. A divine voice called out to her asking her to pursue a path she never imagined. The problem for Courtney was that this deeply personal transformation was not easy to explain to her loved ones, nor was there a box for it on a company form. She could ignore it and continue down the traditional path she had trod or she could answer “The Call” knowing that life as she knew it would change forever."
That’s just the beginning. Settle in for a truly mind-stretching conversation encompassing Courtney’s introduction to Krishna, and how he told her in 2016 about the “rebalancing” that would change everything in 2020. Among other eerily prescient warnings, Krishna said all of the planes would land this year. Talk about goosebumps ... Enjoy my conversation with the warm, wise and delightful Courtney Beck.
Connect with Courtney Beck at her website.
Connect with Courtney Beck on Instagram.
Connect with Karina Machado at the new and updated karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.

Inside the Secret Life of Fairies
Apr 07, 2020Karina Machado interviews author and lifelong spiritual seeker Maggie Hamilton, who’s joining us to share the story behind her new non-fiction book, Inside the Secret Life of Fairies, published by Hay House.
Maggie has a wealth of spiritual wisdom to share. She spent her early years immersed in Nature, then fell into working in book publishing. Now she writes books and for magazines; gives frequent talks; and is keen observer of social trends. Her books, have been published in Australia, New Zealand, Holland, Italy, China, Lithuania, Korea, the Arab States and Brazil. Nature is her ‘go to’ place, while living in the inner city. Maggie's new book Inside the Secret Life of Fairies is her love song to Nature and all the secrets it has gifted her. Passionate about life, creativity and beauty, Maggie loves finding the extraordinary within the ordinary.
Enjoy my uplifting and heart-expanding conversation with Maggie, who shares a lifetime of insights about the natural world and the spirit world, all of which is more valuable than ever in these unsettling times.
Connect with my guest Maggie Hamilton:
www.maggiehamilton.org @maggiewhispers + www.secretlifeoffairies.wordpress.com
Connect with Karina Machado at the new and updated karinamachado.com
Buy the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters as a paperback at Booktopia.
Buy the e-book of the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit at Kobo.
Buy the audio book of the original Spirit Sisters (narrated by me) at Audible.

"I didn't want to believe this was real"
Mar 23, 2020Meet Lisa, a teacher from outback Queensland who reports having strange experiences from the age of 2. That doesn't mean she's accepted them. In fact, "I've always been a bit of a skeptic," says Lisa, who shares her lifetime of encounters with me on this week's show. Listen in as Lisa tells us about the "peaceful" recurring dream - a possible past life? - she began having as a toddler, and the stunning moment when the spirit of a young woman who died tragically appeared to Lisa pleading for help. It was this encounter that deeply troubled Lisa and propelled her to seek - and receive - a medical diagnosis. Yet the experiences continued...
Keep in touch with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Order the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters, available now!
Listen to Karina's other podcast about true-life spooky stories, The Ghost Files.

A Conversation with Jesus - Part 2
Mar 02, 2020I’m thrilled to present part two of Pauline’s extraordinary life story. If you haven’t listened to part one, I encourage you to scroll down and press play on that one first, so that you can hear Pauline share the details of the near-death experiences she had at age 7, and then, 11, the latter encompassing an amazingly in-depth and transformative encounter with Jesus.
In part two, Pauline, a counsellor and artist from Adelaide, picks up the story after waking up from her NDE at age 11. She tells us about what life was like after that, and about the spiritually-transformative experience she had at age 33. There’s so much in this episode, including Pauline’s most recent NDE, following a traumatic experience in 2015, and how that led to what she calls her year of grace. Stay tuned to the end as Pauline shares her insights into the benefits of spiritual practice for mental health, and her incredibly valuable insights into the importance of healing our own inner wounds if we want to be of service to others.
Quick reminder, also, that the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters, my book that inspired this podcast, is now widely available. If you pick up a copy, drop me a line to let me know what you think.
Follow my guest, Pauline, on Instagram here.
Keep in touch with Karina Machado at karinamachado.com, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Order the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters, available now!
Listen to Karina's other podcast about true-life spooky stories, The Ghost Files.

A Conversation With Jesus
Feb 08, 2020When Pauline had a near-death experience after a fall at the age of 11, her spirit left her body and rose high up into the air – she even remembers feeling how “freezing cold” the clouds were. “I had this self-awareness that all of the layers of anxiety are gone, everything’s gone, and I’m just my pure self,” recalls Pauline, today a counsellor and artist living in Adelaide, Australia.
Next came “the bliss of the light,” as Pauline describes it. But the otherworldly experience was only beginning for Pauline, who soon found herself face to face with a smiling young man who radiated love she knew to be Jesus. Mesmerised by this being who “looked like a hippie,” as Pauline puts it, she listened, entranced, as he shared his gentle wisdom with her:
“He explained the oneness to me, that everyone was equal in his eyes.”
“It’s about focus – if you look through loving eyes, you can create a beautiful life.”
“He told me plainly that everyone is given life to learn to love – and that includes ourselves.”
There is much, much more, as you’ll hear in the first instalment of this special two-part interview with Pauline. I am so thrilled to share this episode with you! Enjoy the show.
Keep in touch with Karina at karinamachado.com, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Order the 10th anniversary edition of Spirit Sisters, available now!
Listen to Karina's other podcast about true-life spooky stories, The Ghost Files.

Leonie Evans Died Three Times
Jan 19, 2020"I would have this little troop of ghost children that would play hide-and-seek with me ... they were all dressed in their Sunday best. I remember the little boy - his shorts would be ironed to a razor-sharp crease - and the ribbons in the hair of the girls."
This episode, we have the pleasure of welcoming an original "Spirit Sister," Leonie Evans, whose story features in my book. Leonie is one of those unsung mediums in our midst who so fascinate me. With no fanfare let alone a big pay cheque, Leonie is one of these women with a startling ability to see beyond the veil, as her quote above attests.
In Leonie’s case, a near-death experience at the age of five may have enhanced mediumship skills that had been apparent since she was at least 3. You’re about to hear about that and much, much more, as Leonie joins us from her home in Sydney’s west to reflect on a lifetime of encounters with the spirit world.
Keep in touch with Karina at karinamachado.com, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Pre-order the updated edition of Spirit Sisters, available February 2020!
Listen to Karina's other podcast about true-life spooky stories, The Ghost Files.

"I am within you, and without you, Mum."
Jan 03, 2020The day her son died his mother, Laura, wild with grief, ran to the place where he drew his last breath and shouted to the sky, "Alex, if there is a life after death, I will find you!" That tragic day in 2007, launched my guest, Melbourne artist and author Laura Tomei, on a profound journey of spiritual awakening, triggered by the abundant signs her beautiful 18-year-old boy sends her almost every day.
Laura is passionate about spreading the message that love never dies, as you'll find out in our conversation, which is in parts heartbreaking and uplifting, as Laura gifts us with story upon story about the ways Alex, her only child, shows her he is still alive, albeit in some other place. "I am with you, and without you, Mum," he poetically told her, in one mystical meeting...
As Laura tells me, "We have to learn a new vocabulary between our world and their world."
Enjoy the episode, and please take a moment to rate, review and subscribe to the podcast. Thank you.
Get in touch with my guest, Laura Tomei, at her website.
Keep in touch with Karina at karinamachado.com, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Pre-order the updated edition of Spirit Sisters, available February 2020!
Listen to Karina's other podcast about true-life spooky stories, The Ghost Files.

Healed by Mother Mary
Dec 13, 2019Today's episode of Spirit Sisters features two of the most important figures in the Christmas story. You'll be stunned when you hear who appeared in my guest's bedroom one night, and how that visit transformed her life. Laura Neeson reached out to me with the generous intention of sharing that astoundingly beautiful encounter - the pinnacle of her lifetime of extraordinary experiences - because she wants to pass on her powerful message of hope and healing to everyone.
Fittingly, for a story as miraculous as this one, something wonderful happened as we recorded the interview, which you'll hear about in the course of the episode. This was the first time something like this had ever happened during a recording, and the shock in my voice says it all ...
I treasure this conversation with Laura, which reminds us of the healing power of sharing our stories, and about the ways we’re transformed when we decide to acknowledge our ever-present connection with a force greater than ourselves. We could call that force the creative, life-affirming power of Love.
Enjoy this amazing story of despair, of finding faith and hope, of a pilgrimage and an extraordinary encounter one night when all hope seemed lost.
Keep in touch with Karina at karinamachado.com, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Pre-order the updated edition of Spirit Sisters, available February 2020!
Listen to Karina's other podcast about true-life spooky stories, The Ghost Files.

Fairies, frights and ghosts galore - a gifted Scotswoman's haunted life
Nov 18, 2019Scottish-born, and with a lifetime of mysterious experiences behind her, Faye Young says clairvoyance runs in her family and that, being of Celtic descent, she has always considered her mediumship to be an everyday part of life.
Faye, who lives on Australia's Sunshine Coast, studied English Literature at the University of Queensland before giving that up to become a full-time carer for her mother. Today, she is busy writing a book about her lifetime of enchanting, moving and, yes, occasionally terrifying, experiences. From a childhood brush with fairies to living in haunted houses around the world, and the healing visit from her mum Faye calls “the main experience of my life,” listeners are in for a treat.
I hope you enjoy getting to know Faye as much as I have. And remember, if you love Spirit Sisters, please rate, review and subscribe to help spread the word.
Potto Hall, where Faye lived with her "house ghost," Mr Strickland, on the estate's servant quarters.
Keep in touch with Karina at karinamachado.com, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Pre-order the updated edition of Spirit Sisters, available February 2020!
Listen to Karina's other podcast about true-life spooky stories, The Ghost Files.

"What I do to you, I do to myself" - what mystical experiences teach us
Oct 24, 2019Researching my books, I found that, broadly speaking, there were two kinds of interviewees, those who’d had one, key unforgettable experience, and those who'd had a lifetime of encounters. My guest this week, Emily Rodavich, is one of the latter. In our conversation, we discuss her books, Mystical Interludes and Mystical Interludes II, as well as the childhood event that ignited Emily’s fear of death, the life-transforming near-death experience she had at age 18, and the astonishing spontaneous past-life vision that took Emily back hundreds of years to a lifetime as a dancer in Siam, now Thailand. Plus, much more.
Emily also shares a very moving story about the three steps to forgiveness that she learnt following a very painful chapter of her childhood. At the end, she also shares the key lessons that can help us all lead more loving and fulfilling lives, lessons she’s gathered from her lifetime of mystical experiences, so be sure to stay for that.
Explore Emily's website.
Buy Mystical Interludes and Mystical Interludes II
Join Karina on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Listen to Karina's other podcast bout true spooky encounters, The Ghost Files.

"It doesn't end when we take our last breath" - a heart specialist's NDE Part 2
Oct 06, 2019Karina Machado presents part two of her conversation with Sara, an Australian Cardiac Diagnostic Specialist whose near-death experience last year radically transformed her life and her understanding of what her purpose is on this earth. Since recording this interview, Sara's been dedicating her time to the formal study of meditation and mindfulness practices, and will attend Harvard University’s Mind Body Institute this month to gain further accreditation.
In this episode, you’ll hear about some of the after-effects of Sara’s NDE, her new understanding of the “intrinsic” role spirituality plays in our overall health and her insights into suffering and how for her it’s been a wonderful teacher. She tells me about her ongoing connection with her late father, Jack, and how 3 weeks after Sara’s NDE he also visited his granddaughter in a dream visitation bearing important information about Sara’s rare auto-immune disorder.
Sara also shares an astonishing story about a dream visitation she had prior to her NDE, when her brother-in-law who died in tragic circumstances came to her with a message for her twin sister. Sara has some very moving insights to share at the end, when she sums up the most important lessons she learnt during her NDE, so please stick around for those. Enjoy the uplifting conclusion of Karina's conversation with Sara, which picks up with Karina asking her about the book that was shown to her during the NDE, a book she now knows destined to write.
Visit Karina's website.
Join Karina on Facebook and Instagram.
Listen to Karina's other podcast about true spooky encounters, The Ghost Files.

"Uniting in love is the answer to everything" - a heart specialist's NDE
Sep 15, 2019Karina Machado speaks with Sara, a cardiac diagnostic specialist and mother of three from the Southern Highlands of NSW whose life was forever changed by a near-death experience in late 2018. But immense suffering preceded her NDE - which wasn’t her first, though it was the most powerful - and in part one of our two-part conversation, Sara shares her story publicly for the first time.
In part one, you'll hear about her first NDE and the events that led to her being diagnosed with the rare auto-immune disorder Behcet’s Disease, and how that led to her second NDE, in which she met her beloved mentor and father (himself a renowned cardiologist). Sara also relates the profound impact of her life review and the lessons it carried about the power of choice. “Do we turn to love every moment?” asks Sara. “We are here to look after and serve one another in love, through love and with love.”
Karina's website.

The Premonition
Aug 28, 2019Listen in, as Karina catches up with retired French translator Micheline, whose unforgettable story appeared in her 2009 book, Spirit Sisters. In November 1963, Micheline was working as a nanny in London. One night, she had the most disturbing dream of her life. It so troubled her that she mentioned it to her employer, and then described it in a birthday card she was posting to her mother in Paris. A few days later, as her mum was reading her daughter's birthday wishes, news broke that the President John F. Kennedy had been assassinated. Micheline's dream had come true, exactly as she saw it, except for one key detail...

A Brother's Love Never Dies
Aug 10, 2019My guest today, coming to us from beautiful Forster on the NSW coast, is Deb Carr, whose stories of communication from her late brother, Gary, appear throughout my book Love Never Dies. Deb, a single mother of two who publishes the popular Sydney Chic blog, grew up in New Zealand with her three brothers. A shadow fell across their world when Gary was 10, as Deb is about to share with us. What happened to the little boy plunged him into depression and led, eventually, to his decision to take his own life at the age of 34 in 1998. Deb was inconsolable and it was only her experience of hearing from him a few days later that stopped Deb from succumbing to despair. Please note that this episode references sexual abuse and suicide.
If you or anyone you know is struggling , please call Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14.
Deb's blogs:

A Psychologist's Journeys Into Other Worlds
Jul 28, 2019This week, Karina Machado speaks to Alison, a psychologist from NSW who has some fascinating experiences to share about .
Alison has worked in the health industry for more than 25 years. Initially starting out as a herbalist in private practice and then moving into the field of psychology, working as a counselling psychologist for 10 years. Alison is a qualified Gestalt Therapist and currently works as a business mentor for women studying their MBA. A mother of four adult children, Alison is a calm, sensitive and intelligent woman who now works with her husband developing storytelling videos.
Alison tells me that her spiritual experiences have absolutely enriched her life. I know that listening to them enriched mine too, I especially marvelled at a mystical moment of connection that saw her experience a range of lives - one of them, not even human - across a wide gamut of time frames and environments. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything like this so listen out for that.
Resources Alison mentions:
Stan Groff, psychiatrist and author who developed Holotropic Breathwork
Edgar Cayce, late US clairvoyant and mystic

"Death is Life's Last Great Adventure" - a hospice nurse shares sacred lessons
Jul 07, 2019Karina Machado speaks with Lydia, a palliative-care nurse from Adelaide who’s witnessed time and again how love lights the way at the edge of life. I’ve long been fascinated by the beautiful, mystical experiences that are reported to occur at the bedside of someone on the threshold of death, and in our conversation, Lydia shares moments she’ll never forget that are part and parcel of her sacred work tending to the dying.
Listen in as Lydia tells life-affirming stories about the moments that precede death - what one of her patients described as “life’s last great adventure" - and reveals the lessons that transformed her life. Among them, the gifts of ageing, the importance of self-love, living in the present moment and embracing authenticity. Listen in to the end, when Lydia reveals the magical story of the bookmark she discovered beneath a patient’s bed that contained an Aboriginal proverb that sums up Lydia’s work and life ...
Get in touch with me at my website or join me on Facebook and Instagram.

Pat's Final Miracle
May 28, 2019This story will make you question reality. Naomi tells Karina Machado how her mum accomplished the impossible as she lay in bed, dying of cancer.

Episode 2 - The Homecoming
May 13, 2019Karina speaks with Kath Campbell, whose experience of seeing her daughters' spirits after their tragic deaths gave her the strength to go on living.

Episode 1 - The Family
Apr 28, 2019Karina catches up with Amy, an Australian teacher and mother of four whose chilling encounter at a childhood sleepover features in Spirit Sisters.
More on Karina and her books at Karinamachado.com

Spirit Sisters Introductory Episode
Apr 13, 2019In this introductory episode of the Spirit Sisters podcast with Karina Machado, Karina shares the story behind her bestselling book.
Find out more about your host at Karina Machado's website.
Join the conversation on Facebook.