Spirit Sisters
In 2019, Karina launched two popular podcasts – Spirit Sisters and The Ghost Files – which led to a new audience discovering her work. Now, they can discover the beloved bestseller that started it all, with the 2020 release of Spirit Sisters, featuring a new preface that sums up why sharing these stories of mysteries and marvels is more important than ever today.
“Back in 2007, when the book was still only a warm flicker of an idea within, I was a young mother of two small children who often felt lost and unsteady, even though I gave thanks every day for my beautiful family and satisfying work. Sorrows had darkened my way, as they must for us all, and life at times seem stripped of hope. I was haunted by the thought that there was something important I was forgetting.
Quietly and inobtrusive as a heartbeat in the background of what sometimes felt like a stifled life, my love of stories sustained me – in particular, stories about spirits, mysteries and the unexplained – and my heart whispered they would do the same for other women, if I could gather them in a book.”
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AWAKEN is a book of life-changing inspiration, drawn from the authors’ own profound journeys of transformation and spiritual awakening. Dip into any page for instant spiritual nourishment or read from cover to cover. This mini GPS for the soul belongs in every handbag—it’s a little book that creates big changes.
You’ve been asleep but it’s time to Awaken … Have you ever felt like you’re disconnected from life, vitality and joy? Ever sensed the gnawing unease of having forgotten something important, yet the answer remains maddeningly out of reach? Ever yearned to be fulfilled by something you can’t begin to understand or express? What you’re missing is a connection to your soul, also known as Source, Infinite Spirit, God, the Higher Self, or the Universe—there are many labels for one truth.
AWAKEN is a guidebook to help you find your way back to the divine spark within. Do that, and life will expand in new and seemingly magical ways.
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“Unable are the loved to die. For love is immortality.” – Emily Dickinson
This is a book about the indestructibility of love. Journalist and author Karina Machado spoke to over 60 Australians with stories of post-death contact. She shares their life-shattering experience of loss, and shows how their spiritual contact with a deceased lover, friend or family member brought peace, hope and the solace of knowing that their connection lives on.
There is the story of a teenage boy who appears in bodily form on the eve of his funeral to bring comfort to his sister. A young husband returns to his widow in time to prevent another tragedy. A grandmother arrives to lovingly care for the infant children of her grief-stricken daughter. A man soothes his heartbroken brother with an otherworldly embrace.
Written with grace and compassion, Love Never Dies is as much about the power of loving relationships as it is the phenomenon of the survival of consciousness beyond death.
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